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Randi Zuckerberg: 如何做到「Inbox Zero」(零電郵)

36acfd8 Randi Zuckerberg Founder & CEO at Zuckerberg Media Inbox Zero 的意思,就是「所有電郵都已讀,或處理好,又沒人再寄任何電郵給我。」 為什麼要做到零電郵? Like cleaning out your home, clearing out your inbox feels great - like you’ve cleared your debts, decluttered your existence, and you no longer owe anyone anything. You can breathe a bit easier. At least for a minute or so, until another email comes in, and you’re no longer at inbox zero. 零電郵的方法是什麼?
  • Unsubscribe from unwanted newsletters or sites you may have accidentally subscribed to by forgetting to uncheck that pesky box when you created an account on the site.
  • Remove yourself from any groups, lists or coupon sites that send you messages every day. A message a day will clutter up your inbox rapidly and you can very easily search for coupon codes and discounts online, even without the daily email barrage.
  • Create filters and folders that will automatically sort your messages as they come in.
  • Turn off email notifications: do you need to get an email every time someone tags you in a photograph, or about every single flight deal heading to Hawaii? Go to the various websites you have profiles on, go to settings, and opt out of email notifications.
最困難清除的電郵及如何處理 1) Emails that you hate having to say no to. A colleague asking for a favor or an introduction. A family friend asking if you can pass their resume along. An organization asking you to sponsor their event.
  • Consider having a friend or colleague draft a response for you. Sometimes it’s easier for someone who isn’t emotionally tied to the response to craft a reply.
  • I encouraged everyone on the team to create a folder called "It's okay to say no" - I was having a lot of guilt saying no to people and was letting requests pile up in my inbox.
2) Messages that aren’t urgent, but will need a reply in the future. I made a folder called "People to reconnect with" because I found I was saving emails in my inbox from people who I eventually wanted to respond to, but didn't need to email back right away. This cleared out a lot of space. 3) Emails that make you feel good, but don’t warrant a response. I created a "Go me!" folder — I know that sounds shallow, but there are so many bad vibes online sometimes that it's important to have a pick-me-up folder of positive vibes from people that you can look at when you're having a bad day. 390af1a

Randi Zuckerberg Founder & CEO at Zuckerberg Media Inbox Zero 的意思,就是「所有電郵都已讀,或處理好,又沒人再寄任何電郵給我。」 為什麼要做到零電郵? Like cleaning out your home, clearing out your inbox feels great – like you’ve cleared your debts, decluttered your existence, and you no longer owe anyone anything. You… Continue Reading →


[youtube=http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=D3qltEtl7H8] YouTube短片《The Break Up》,內容講述old school的行銷廣告模式,未能追上消費者的需求,遭其拋棄,廣告商和消費者彷彿一對不歡而散的男女。 從前的市場行銷專注於營造產品區別、品牌注意和顧客忠誠。但在互聯網普及的日子,行銷者不得不承認,資訊膨脹,相對地廣告的影響力便大大降低了。傳統的廣告行銷,基本上是個喋喋不休的煩躁男,他不管你心情多壞,不管你身體多累,他只管把話說完,還強迫你聽他。傳統的市場調查,基本上只是一齣愛情影畫戲,鎂光燈下,有的為了片酬,有的為了面子,消費者說的不是真心話,有時候連自己也騙了。 領教過薄情郎,聽厭花言巧語,消費者只渴望真誠的對話。問題不在於那是一個電視廣告,一條YouTube短片,還是一個搜尋引擎文字廣告,他們需要企業細心聆聽,而不是一味自管說個不停。不知道何時開始,消費者性情大變,他們不信廣告,寧可求教於朋友、甚或請問陌生人,畢竟有了討論區、新聞組、網誌、Google、Yahoo知識、facebook及其他Web2.0網站後,求教的成本也大幅下降。 保守或傲慢的行銷人員,往往不敢嘗新,卻建議在成效下滑的傳統媒體,花耗更多預算,逃避學習運用影響力日增的新技術,事實上這只是自我邊緣化,他們正逐漸失去奪取消費者芳心的能力。 當然也不能否認,許多新技術跟舊事物還不是融合很好,例如我很納悶YouTube始終未能輕易地在電視機上播放,Amazon亦還沒有供應我想要買的中文書籍。現在乃過渡時期,不管你是行銷者還是企業家,愈早踏出轉型的一步,你就愈早得享新行銷模式帶來的成果。 《2008年4月29日刊於蘋果日報》

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