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Tag Mark Zuckerberg

[FREE] An Interview with Mark Zuckerberg about the Metaverse

This interview was conducted on Tuesday, two days before the Facebook Connect keynote where Zuckerberg unveiled his vision for the metaverse, and announced his company’s new name: Meta. Read more: https://bit.ly/3GA33se

Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook may pay publishers to put their stuff in a dedicated news section

More than a year after announcing that Facebook would feature less news, Mark Zuckerberg says he has a new idea: He wants to create a new section of his social network that would be devoted to “high quality news”, and… Continue Reading →

A Note From Mark Zuckerberg

Today Mark Zuckerberg shared the following post with employees. Hey everyone — I want to share some important updates as we organize our company to build out the privacy-focused social platform I discussed in my note last week. Read more:… Continue Reading →

The Mark Zuckerberg Manifesto Is a Blueprint for Destroying Journalism

Lip service to the crucial function of the Fourth Estate is not enough to sustain it. It’s not that Mark Zuckerberg set out to dismantle the news business when he founded Facebook 13 years ago. Yet news organizations are perhaps… Continue Reading →

How Mark Zuckerberg Led Facebook’s War to Crush Google Plus

Mark Zuckerberg is a genius. Not in the Asperger’s, autistic way depicted in the very fictional movie The Social Network, the cognitive genius of exceptional ability. That’s a modern definition that reduces the original meaning. Read more: http://bit.ly/25FunwD

Facebook 增長速度下跌

剛發佈的Q1業績,顯示Facebook跟去年同期相比,用戶有所增長,MAU和DAU增加到1.1B及665M。 明眼人都知道,任何互聯網業務的用戶有增長是空話,因為如果一個網站用戶連「淨增長都做不到」,根本已是死亡的先兆,什麼投資價值都不用再談了。 從下圖可以看見,Facebook的增長速度實際上已經減慢和下跌中了:
AllThingsD: Daily active users as a percentage of monthly active users — usually a good sign of how engaged users are — is very slowly yet very steadily on the rise, at about 60 percent compared to 55 percent since Q1 of 2011.
Mark Zuckerberg 在回答 Instagram 策略的時候,亦將「增長」放於比「廣告」更優先的位置,箇中原因很明顯了吧~
Techcrunch: CEO Mark Zuckerberg said today during the company’s Q1 earnings call. Adding ads could end up stunting Instagram’s rapid growth. He said, more than once during the call, that Instagram is currently growing at a faster rate than FB did at the same age, and it now has 100 million users.

剛發佈的Q1業績,顯示Facebook跟去年同期相比,用戶有所增長,MAU和DAU增加到1.1B及665M。 明眼人都知道,任何互聯網業務的用戶有增長是空話,因為如果一個網站用戶連「淨增長都做不到」,根本已是死亡的先兆,什麼投資價值都不用再談了。 從下圖可以看見,Facebook的增長速度實際上已經減慢和下跌中了: AllThingsD: Daily active users as a percentage of monthly active users — usually a good sign of how engaged users are — is very slowly yet very steadily on the rise, at about 60 percent compared to… Continue Reading →


近期,全世界都講緊Yahoo的Scott Thompson學歷醜聞。 知唔知 Steve Jobs 哪家大學畢業? Mark Zuckerberg 哪個學系畢業?仲有 Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Lawrence Ellison 呢? Yahoo's Thompson Asks Employees To Ignore His Resume Scandal – Business Insider.

Facebook 即將上市,NYT 當年這樣評論 Facebook 的未來

Consider Facebook, the popular but financially unproven social network, which is reportedly being valued by investors at up to $15 billion. That is nearly half the value of Yahoo, a company with 38 times the number of employees and, based… Continue Reading →

傳聞HTC同Facebook合作,起新平台。若果屬實,基本大勢力分佈: 陣營1:Apple 陣營2:Google + Samsung 陣營3:Microsoft + Nokia 陣營4:Facebook + HTC 其餘RIM、Sony、LG… 只會繼續積弱,直至game over。 HTC, Facebook jointly developing smartphone, say sources.

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