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Tag malcolm gladwell

哲子戲 Philosophist’s Camp

文章刊於蘋果日報 暢銷作家Malcom Galdwell曾經何時被譽為當代最有影響力的思想家之一,當年他打響名號的兩本出道作《Tipping Point 引爆趨勢》和《Blink 決斷2秒間》,以生動的小故事帶出大道理,把深奧的學術理論深入淺出地呈 Read more: https://bit.ly/2X7sw6U

Are you a Connector?

In Chapter Two of The Tipping Point, I talk about the central role that three personality types–that I call Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen–play in social epidemics. Read more: http://bit.ly/2bwVEKX

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