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Tag lean life

The Simplicity of Discipline

The clients I work with almost all put incredible expectations on themselves — they have higher standards than almost anybody I know. It’s why they work with me. It can be hard to see, but the expectations they’ve set for themselves… Continue Reading →

One Powerful Way to Help You Stay Focused on Your Goals

In this digital era, distractions can seem impossible to avoid. Just figuring out how to stay focused on your goals and ambitions can feel as difficult as actually achieving them. These days, constant distractions can lead to a massive loss… Continue Reading →

Let Each Task Fill Up Your World

Every now and then, I have to remind myself to do one thing at a time. The tendency to try to do a whole bunch of things seems to be a natural result of my wanting to get everything done… Continue Reading →

如何和家人用 Evernote 溝通合作,7年累積的案例經驗談

(歡迎社群分享。但全文轉載請來信詢問,禁止修改上述內文,禁止商業使用,並且必須註明來自電腦玩物原創作者 esor huang 異塵行者,及附上原文連結:) Read more: https://bit.ly/3fygTgV


你猜對了嗎?在這些項目裡,只有第7項,代表一個人面對壓力有「良好的因應風格」,能夠預測80歲時,是否能夠快樂又生龍活虎。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3j67TSb

Essential Meaningful Productivity

I don’t care about being efficient and productive just to be a better person, to get more done, to be more awesome. Cranking out more stuff for productivity’s sake doesn’t interest me anymore (it used to). Today, I care about… Continue Reading →

The Lost Art of True Rest

OK, calling this a “lost art” is a bit of hyperbole, because there are some people who actually rest these days. But I don’t believe most people do it anymore. I could rail about the age of distraction (I’ve done… Continue Reading →

What Are The Top 7 Priorities To Have In Life?

Do you try to complete all your tasks each day because you feel every item on your to-do list is highly important? Are you limited by time to achieve all of those tasks? If your answer is yes, then you… Continue Reading →

世界經典童話《青鳥》 帶孫一起重溫幸福

《青鳥》(L’Oiseau bleu)一直是每位孩童必讀的故事,主旨在於傳遞「幸福就在身旁」的想法。從1908年被比利時作家莫里斯·梅特林克(Maurice Maeterlinck)創作出開始,多次在各大劇院演出,迄今也被改編為多部童話書、繪本、戲劇等 Read more: https://bit.ly/2URoCOL

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