據大陸傳媒報道,曾創作《莊子說》、《漫畫論語》等作品的台灣漫畫大師蔡志忠,今天早上9時在河南登封少林寺出家。少林寺方丈釋永信在少林寺藏經閣為蔡志忠剃度,取法號「釋延一」。名漫畫家狄克向《蘋果》表示,蔡 Read more: https://bit.ly/3nx5z8s
When people want to pick up a new skill or learn a new subject, they tend to dive right into it. They rarely take the time to learn how to learn in the first place, and that’s a mistake. If… Continue Reading →
So we’ve set up structure and training so they can train themselves to be in action much more of the time. It’s trainable, if you’re willing to commit yourself. Read more: https://bit.ly/3kvQUbJ
In this article, you will learn what science tells us about the workings of our memory. Then, I will tell you exactly how to take advantage of this to drastically improve your memory and learn faster. Read more: https://bit.ly/3eT0mVg
The country I live in has a pretty bitter divide between many of its people, and I’ll admit that it often feels hopeless to me. If you don’t live in the U.S. Read more: https://bit.ly/32pkuJM
In the last week, two separate men told me they fantasize about leaving everything behind and living on a mountain. What we (and many others) crave is not really the mountain, but freedom. Simplicity and space and the liberating feeling… Continue Reading →
It’s never too late to start something you’ve always wanted to do. It doesn’t matter what you think is holding you back; let’s just call them what they are: excuses. It shouldn’t matter if other people are doing it already… Continue Reading →
Mike Iamele is a writer, life purpose expert, and brand strategist who helps people map their sensitivities to discover their purpose. Read full profile Some days, getting back to work is a real struggle. Read more: https://bit.ly/358aAwG
There’s something in many of us that resists structure — we want the freedom of not having to do something, of being able to just relax. There’s something to that: freedom and going through our day feeling open and relaxed is… Continue Reading →
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