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Tag lean life

Training to Be Relaxed in Stressful Situations

Many of us face things every day that stress us out: overwhelming number of tasks, a big meeting, a project that feels really tough, behind on paying bills, someone is upset at us, there’s a family crisis, the world feels… Continue Reading →

Relaxing with Chaos

There’s a big part of us that doesn’t like chaos: we want order and simplicity and feeling like we’re on top of things and doing things the “right” way. Read more: https://bit.ly/2OtMNSW

The Quest for Impact, Not Productivity

There once was a young man named Brabu, who discovered at a young age he had a superpower: he could make things move just by waving his hands. Brabu found delight in this at first, making sticks and leaves float… Continue Reading →

How to Do the Thing You’re Avoiding

Most of us have something on our task list we’re avoiding. Or a project we’ve been putting off. Think for a moment: what’s the task or project you’ve been avoiding lately? Read more: https://bit.ly/2KmvVfc

Reminder: 8 Practices to Get Still & Calm

These days, it’s always nice to have reminders to become present, to pause into stillness, and to calm ourselves down. Chaos rules most of our lives, and every reminder we get can be helpful. Read more: https://bit.ly/3mFOurL

英倫移民 Janine Miu #19:移民不是避難,是尋找快樂的旅程

主頁 > 英倫移民 Janine Miu #19:移民不是避難,是尋找快樂的旅程 2020-11-19 英倫移民 Janine Miu #19:移民不是避難,是尋找快樂的旅程 很多人對於移民會有着許多的顧慮與計算,難免會思前想後,要權衡得失才作出這重要一步。相 Read more: https://bit.ly/2ILKVm2

How To Embrace Change In Life (Even If It’s Hard to Change)

The very nature of life is change, think of the seasons, life and death, the passing of time constantly marching forwards, it’s upon us and our duty to embrace it. Now I know what you’re thinking, “but I don’t want… Continue Reading →

11 Gratitude Books To Remind You To Be Thankful Daily

Anna is a communication expert and a life enthusiast. She’s the Content Strategist of Lifehack and loves to write about love, life, and passion. Read full profile In our continuous pursuit of happiness, one thing that people emphasize time and… Continue Reading →

14 Lessons Learned from Fearless Mastery

In the last 6 months, my team and I have been working to support a group of fearless leaders in our Fearless Mastery mastermind program. And they have been breathtaking. Read more: https://bit.ly/3kVqUXp

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