《工作?機會?》 . 近日,世界各國陸續公佈本年度第二季GDP數據,在武漢肺炎肆虐全球下,除了數據「可信性十足」的中國外,各主要大國都出現歷史性衰退。2020年第二季國內生產總值(GDP),德國下跌10.1%,法國跌19%,美國跌32.9%,新加坡更跌41.2%。 .… Read more: https://bit.ly/30txduf
Amazing book. Really accomplishes something that many accounting books don’t and that’s utter simplicity. I have read many different accounting learning resources, but this trumps them all. Read more: https://amzn.to/30wF8Hn
You must register an overseas company with Companies House if you want to set up a place of business in the UK. You must register if you set up a place of business in the UK or if you usually… Continue Reading →
Wondering how to become self-employed? We’ve got some tips for getting started – from weighing up the pros and cons of self-employment, to understanding tax and benefits when you’re self-employed. Read more: https://bit.ly/39WuVa6
Taking the step to become your own boss is exciting. If you’re looking for some business inspiration, we’ve come up with a list of interesting and achievable self-employment ideas. The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics say there… Continue Reading →
To start a business in the UK as a foreign national, you need to consider the following steps: Think about your visa position. Depending on what nationality you hold, you may be required to apply for a work visa before… Continue Reading →
What you need to do to set up depends on your type of business, where you work and whether you take people on to help. Most businesses register as a sole trader, limited company or partnership. Read more: https://bit.ly/33mrisN
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