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Public funds 英國公共資源福利

相信現時香港有很多人正在籌備著,一家移居英國。在新的簽證下,規定不能領取『公共資源福利Public Funds』,其實當中指的福利資料包括什麼? 根據英國政府官方網頁的Public Funds內容指,公共資源福利包括以下項目: Read more: https://bit.ly/37R6b46

Report suspicious activity to MI5

Report any threats to national security – such as terrorism and espionage – to MI5 (also known as the Security Service). Call 999 or the police anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321 to report an immediate threat to life or… Continue Reading →

曼市強制第三級抗疫 英格蘭南北分野突顯

英國中央政府跟大曼徹斯特市政府談判破裂,首相莊漢生(Boris Johnson,保守黨)昨天20日下午宣佈,強制大曼進入最高級別的第三級抗疫狀態,面對嚴厲抗疫限制,惹來大曼市長貝安德(Andy Burnham,工黨)抨擊。爭拗突顯出英格 Read more: https://bit.ly/37qb9EB

三用三棄 英國人與身份證的離合情緣

一樁陳年移民案讓英國內政大臣黯然下台,也激活了各界對另一個陳年方案——身份證的討論。 Read more: https://bbc.in/2T5jAwT


我一听人提到身份证就发憷,回想起中国文革年代查户口的情形。当时还没有身份证一说,但户口是家家必有的证件。 从酣睡中突然醒来听到咚咚咚的门响,伴着“开门,查户口!”的吆喝声在校园宿舍楼逐层上旋,我便知道 Read more: https://bbc.in/3kc1XaH


為了讓檢疫工作更有效率英格蘭將會在12月份開設『The integrated Covid hub 冠狀病毒病收集中心』,地點位於在英國東北部的Newcastle/Gateshead的實驗室,現時已經開始在網上招聘。 Read more: https://bit.ly/2SXBXUl

181 Business accelerators in the UK for startups & entrepreneurs

Business accelerators run support programmes typically with investment aiming to grow early-stage businesses in a short space of time exponentially. Read more: https://bit.ly/2Svybl0

Circulate Networking Events

My friend and former colleague Charlie O’Donnell created a new kind of networking event for the moment we are in. These are virtual networking events designed to “include diverse perspectives in the innovation community.” They are called Circulate. Read more:… Continue Reading →

Coronavirus phrases inspire hundreds of new start-up businesses

The UK lockdown has seen an increase in new companies forming to meet the demands resulting from coronavirus, with ‘COVID-19’, ‘lockdown’ and ‘pandemic’ featuring heavily in the names of new businesses created since March. Read more: https://bit.ly/3fCSZA9

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