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National Cyber Force Transforms country’s cyber capabilities to protect UK

In a speech on defence spending, the PM avowed the GCHQ and Ministry of Defence (MoD) partnership which is conducting cyber operations to disrupt hostile state activities, terrorists and criminals threatening the UK’s national security – from countering terror plots… Continue Reading →

The Tech Nation Visa Report 2020

There’s no doubt that 2020 has been a turbulent year. But amongst all the disruption and uncertainty that we, and companies alike, have faced, I for one couldn’t be prouder to see UK tech remaining a global talent magnet, open… Continue Reading →

入境英國時,什麼可以帶, 什麼不可以帶?

不少移民到英國的朋友都有疑問,入境英國時,可以帶什麼,又不可以帶什麼呢? 雖然英國購物很方便,不過,總有些東西和原居地不一樣,不論是牌子,或質素,始終和原居地的會有出入。 Read more: https://bit.ly/2UGURQd

New Guide Reveals How To Start And Run A Takeaway Business From Home…

Please understand that the results I am sharing with you are not typical. I am not implying that you will duplicate them. The average person who buys how-to information usually sees little to no results. I use the references in… Continue Reading →

英國小學, 中學入學年齡計算法

留意, 英國的政府學校State School 基本上都是按出生年月入學, 不能隨便跳級或留級 (若小朋友在8月出世,因為最小的學生,可以和學校商量入讀低一年級) Read more: https://bit.ly/38ONPkP

UK might ban sales of fossil fuel cars as early as 2030

The UK might soon move up its ban on sales of combustion engine cars — yes, again. Read more: https://engt.co/38KodFu

Q&A with a HKer changing his career for his move to the UK ⦁ 你問我答:為移英而轉行整水喉(廣東話版本)

Leo Yu plans to come to the UK in 2022 with his family and mother in law using the BNO visa. Like many Hong Kongers, his biggest worry is whether he can find a job in the UK. Read more:… Continue Reading →

theDesk 基礎危害分析重點控制HACCP課程 | theDesk HACCP Foundation Course

Other event in Causeway Bay by theDesk on Tuesday, November 24 2020 Read more: https://bit.ly/3exxykV

移民英國|英國最佳Work From Home地點 宜居鄉村小鎮、海邊城市一覽

由於英國一些大城市如倫敦、曼徹斯特的生活費變得越來越貴,英國房屋租買平台Emoov近期的一項調查發現,目前居住在大城市的上班族和自由工作者中,竟有半數希望離開城市,搬到物價較便宜、生活亦更悠閒的城鎮鄉村生活 Read more: https://bit.ly/38cwn9v

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