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Read more: https://bit.ly/3fO8RkM

Investing in a start up business

If you sign up to the Shadow Founder platform today you’ll receive a free Investor’s Guide to UK Equity Crowdfunding. Investing in a new company, or a start up, can be an exciting and rewarding way of making some money,… Continue Reading →

唐寧街換幕僚長 英告別脫歐時代

英國首相府昨天26日宣佈,委任財政部前公務員Dan Rosenfield為首相府幕僚長,標誌著英國政治逐漸結束過去5年的脫歐年代。 Read more: https://bit.ly/36b1T6a

Fundamentals: Too much to ask?

Insight & Opinion is our hub for residential, commercial and rural articles and research from experts offering industry-leading advice and analysis. Read more: https://bit.ly/3nRXGuj

Private school fees: is it cheaper to move to a good state catchment area?

Parents working out which school to send their child to often do a bit of maths homework before coming to a decision. Read more: https://bit.ly/3kX1KYk

英國大幅增加軍費 建設「歐洲最強海軍」

英國首相約翰遜周三(11月18日)說,這是「一代人只有一次的現代化」,是擴大英國影響力所必需。 約翰遜說,為期四年的國防投入是為了保護公眾,能保護大量工作崗位,並且創造4萬個就業機會。 Read more: https://bbc.in/35TYvfX

UK sees fastest annual rise in property values since 2017… despite our coronavirus pandemic woes

House prices leap £4,000 in a MONTH: UK sees fastest annual rise in property values since 2017… despite our coronavirus pandemic woes Property prices have hit the highest level on record after surging by £4,000 in a month. Read more:… Continue Reading →

How Brexit is going to affect your business – #1 imports

As EU businesses, UK retailers did not previously have to declare goods arriving from suppliers also within the EU. Post Brexit, all businesses will have to declare all imports arriving from within the EU. Read more: https://bit.ly/3nPjOpe

19/11/2020 老人院英國新聞短打: 英國核彈級疫情新聞、英國樓價創16來新高

#英國移民 #英国生活 #移民英國 #英國入學 #香港 #香港人 #bno移民 #bno英國 #bno香港 #倫敦 #英國工作 #英國留學 #英國旅行 #倫敦旅行 #英國自由行 #工作假期 #英國移民政策 #倫敦vlog #bno #英國香港人 #倫敦居住 #英國打工 #英國 #英國 Read more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVKI9SKHzTs

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