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Milton Keynes ‘will lead UK’s post-Covid economic recovery’

Milton Keynes will have the fastest economic recovery rate of any town or city in Britain next year, thanks to the boom in online shopping, according to a new report. Read more: https://bit.ly/2KTrf0q

【重磅消息】一本護照,英加澳紐,四國互通,睇嚟唔係空想!CANZUK 係乜嘢概念,對移民港人,又有乜嘢好處 ……

https://bit.ly/3o2CTEm https://bit.ly/33rTz0a 請支持「和理看天下」Patreon,講人話,抗濁流。 https://bit.ly/2KKdvVw 「和理看天下」Facebook 專頁 #CANZUK #英加澳紐,四國互 Read more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a_k4fBoRp8

Keeping 2021 simple for small and medium-sized enterprises

Whatever form Brexit takes, it’s going to make life more complicated for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Read more: https://bit.ly/33u8G9E

英國長大比較獨立? 直接!? 英國少數族裔年輕人分享平台 🇬🇧

透過 Nicole 分享🇬🇧 BBC (British born Chinese) 的䜖書成長及開始步入社會大學一些小小經歷,好讓大家了解小小英國🇬🇧 的華人子女成長過程。 英國係一個多元文化社會,除了華人子女融入英國生活上會遇到不小問題,其它少 Read more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B39_a3ShBxU

英國稅後人工唔見咗40%?UK Income Tax, NI, 退休金 Pension

Read more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daG8Vo1xGEI

英國點樣搵屋~注意細節⚠️ 🇬🇧 #英國衣食住行

希望透過今次分享了解多些怎樣簡化去找一些心儀的郡內搵心目中 budget 屋。 另外亦希望關注一下初步一個陌生環境生活的心靈健康問題(特別是英國的冬天季節)。 人生路不熟,面對不少壓力….. 將來打算來 Kent 的朋友們,初 Read more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eLN9Znugi8

29/11/2020 BNO移居英國手冊之地區介紹: Cambridge 劍橋地區概況及介紹(第一節)

#英國移民 #英國生活 #移民英國 #英國入學 #香港 #香港人 #bno移民 #bno英國 #bno香港 #英國工作 #英國留學 #英國旅行 #倫敦旅行 #英國自由行 #工作假期 #英國移民政策 #bno #英國香港人 #英國打工 #英國 #英國分享 #英國永久居留 #英國 Read more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPJbroSoP3g

Using simple technology to improve my small business

Technology has transformed the way we do business. From bricklayers to software engineers, everyone can benefit from cheap and simple tools that build efficiency and save you money. Here are five of the best tech advances that you can implement… Continue Reading →

Extra cash for pubs and restaurants as Prime Minister tries to fend off Tory rebellion

Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer is to decide if Labour backs or abstains in Tuesday’s vote after he met with Professor Chris Whitty, the Chief Medical Officer, on Sunday. Read more: https://bit.ly/39yzyZX

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