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英國教育系列 — 早期教育及托兒 Early Education & Child Care

而未入讀小學之前,家長可以帶小朋友去Nursery幼兒園或其他托兒服務機構,主要的服務範圍是照顧小朋友,給一個安全的環境小朋友玩耍,給小朋友和同齡小朋友互動,而不會如香港的幼稚園般要學習十八般武藝。 Read more: https://bit.ly/38EFtdL

歐風投集資破頂 英吸749億稱冠

歐洲疫情嚴峻,封城令使經濟蕭條,但融資氣氛未見冷卻。路透引述調查公司Dealroom的數據,截至本月22日,歐洲風險基金年內集資額錄得破紀錄的171億歐羅(約1562.57億港元);而投放予初創的金額更高達397億歐羅(約3627. Read more: https://bit.ly/3pnkGSB

ISA Account 是什麼?

ISA (全名Individual Savings Accounts) 代表個人儲蓄帳戶 (免稅儲蓄戶口)。也許不是每人都知道,在英國,銀行的利息也要付稅的 (有免稅額),所以,若你擁有不少存款,便可以利用ISA 戶口去減少利息稅開支。 Read more: https://bit.ly/348g1vN

英倫移民 Janine Miu #07:超熱門英國簽證之選──最新海外公司首席代表簽證解讀

主頁 > 英倫移民 Janine Miu #07:超熱門英國簽證之選──最新海外公司首席代表簽證解讀 Read more: https://bit.ly/383Cdbt

英倫移民 Janine Miu #20:秋天的童話 – 配偶簽證比 BNO 簽證擁有的優勢

主頁 > 英倫移民 Janine Miu #20:秋天的童話 – 配偶簽證比 BNO 簽證擁有的優勢 2020-11-20 英倫移民 Janine Miu #20:秋天的童話 – 配偶簽證比 BNO 簽證擁有的優勢 很多人對於移民會有着許多的顧慮與計算,難免會思前想後,要權衡得失 Read more: https://bit.ly/3nvjWdu


前文提及成為了英國稅務居民後,即使沒有將海外的收入滙入英國,也依然有「報稅」和「繳稅」的責任。有精明的讀者朋友提出「滙款制」(Remittance Basis)一詞,正好和筆者本篇想講的3個英國稅務迷思有密切關係。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3gvPfm1

Freelancer earnings at second lowest on record in ‘worrying new norm’ Recently Published

Freelancer confidence in the economy fell sharply ahead of the second lockdown, according to r the latest freelancer Confidence Index by freelancer marketplace PeoplePerHour and self-employed group, IPSE. Read more: https://bit.ly/37PDjYu

Why should entrepreneurs care about EIS and SEIS?

Why should entrepreneurs care about EIS and SEIS? The simple answer is because your potential investors do. No credible entrepreneur would consider launching a product or service without getting into the head of their consumer. Read more: https://bit.ly/2Inn0cq

Call for Freelance Commissioner to champion ‘a sector in crisis’ Recently Published

The joint letter from freelancer group IPSE, the Creative Industries Federation, Prospect and the Federation of Small Businesses, argues that freelancers have made many UK industries ‘highly innovative, fast-growing and world-leading’. Read more: https://bit.ly/3qAux8Z

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