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Government reforms make it easier and cheaper for leaseholders to buy  their homes 

Millions of leaseholders will be given the right to extend their lease by a maximum term of 990 years at zero ground rent, the Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick has announced today (7 January 2021). Read more: https://bit.ly/3omDYHD

All schools to close from tomorrow, Boris Johnson announces, putting summer exams in doubt

In a televised statement from Downing Street, the prime minister acknowledged that the closures mean it will not be “possible or fair” for all exams to go ahead as planned this summer. Read more: https://bit.ly/3hGZJzm

居住在英國 – 駕駛篇

移居到外國生活,很多點與點之間的地方路程遠,有開車的必要。其次是有些地方自行駕駛能15分鐘到達,但坐公共巴士便需要用上1小時,令懂得開車也變得平常事。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3nc65I7

英國購買房屋 之 水災

英國每逢進入雨季雨量驚人,全球暖化海邊或湖邊水位上升,加上排水系統老化,令近年英國水災連連。所以各位在選擇定居地點和購買房屋時,必須考慮到當地的水浸情況,以免日後因水浸而要經常維修。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3hFjEyS

12月30日,最新的Tier抗疫級別的列表,基乎全英格蘭被列為Tier 4

英國政府再對各城市進行Tier標準評核,根據最新感染數字,英國中部、東北和西南部將要被升級至第四級(Tier 4)抗疫指數。此外亦有城市需要進入Tier 3 ,全部升級行動在12月31日00:01正式開始。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3pP6iTk

Return to school: When are children due to go back to classrooms?

Plans for when schools will reopen following the Christmas break differ across the UK amid the fast-spreading variant of COVID-19. Primary schools in all of London’s boroughs and some of those in Essex, Kent, East Sussex, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire will… Continue Reading →

The most dangerous places to live in England and Wales revealed as crimes including robbery and sex offences ranked

THE most dangerous places to live in the UK where residents are most at risk of theft, sex crimes and violent attacks can be revealed today. Sun Online analysis of the the latest government figures reveals where you are most… Continue Reading →

申請中學時間表 (Year 7)

以下, 是申請中學 Year 7 的Timeline (每年的日子可能有一點出入, 不同Council 的日子也可能有出入, 以下為參考日子, 詳情請查詢所屬的Council) 不知自己的地址所屬的Council, 或不知Council 網頁, 可以在以下政府網頁查詢 Read more: https://bit.ly/38i0Pih

One in five Brits say they want to start a business in 2021

One in five UK adults say they want to start a business in 2021. That figure rises to over one third (34 per cent) of 18 to 34-year-olds. Read more: https://bit.ly/2XcnbuW

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