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Tag lazy bag

NHS ‘threatens legal action’ against vaccine centre staff offering jabs to friends and family

NHS ‘threatens legal action’ against vaccine centre staff offering ‘leftover’ jabs to friends and family to stop them being wasted at the end of the day Senior NHS sources have threatened legal action against vaccine centre staff offering ‘leftover jabs’ to… Continue Reading →

港創科人移英拓生意版圖 BNO月底准申居留 靠創新可領簽證

李嘉峻於英格蘭東部小鎮定居,一家四口每月開支約2萬港元。(受訪者提供圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/2MnkxAi

深入淺出 深度睇英國屋的結構 拆開整間屋來睇 電及暖氣

今集同大家深度睇英國屋的結構,拆開整間屋來睇。 有興趣我們的服務可以到我們的網站了解更多 https://bit.ly/3o8LwNu 電郵: info@lionrockproperties.co.uk Whatsapp: +44 161 818 6288 (https://bit.ly/39cvRIN) Facebook: 英獅物業 Lion Rock Read more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-77euQgG_yQ

Big firms to pay small companies within 30 days

The UK will strengthen its Prompt Payment Code (PPC) to push larger firms to pay small businesses quickly. Under the changes, large companies that have signed up to the code must pay small businesses within 30 days instead of 60…. Continue Reading →

‘Selfish’ lockdown flat party caught out after posting selfies on Instagram

The actions of a group of party-goers have been described as ‘disgusting’ after they posted videos on social media of them popping bottles inside an apartment. Read more: https://bit.ly/2XRP8bN

Coronavirus: how many people need to be vaccinated to get life back to normal?

Who is the richest person in the world? Read more: https://bit.ly/2M5vN4w

8 個新手英國買樓投資分析技巧 (6)|第六堂:二手物業買賣流程概要

與不少朋友交流後,我發覺原來好多人都唔知買英國二手樓嘅正確流程同規矩。 Read more: https://bit.ly/2Lluyy7

英國買樓深度詳解 6 部曲|第 2 步:選對地區是成功買樓關鍵

對於買樓來說,地區的選擇可以說是最重要的,也是最應該首先考慮的,尤其像是倫敦這樣的城市,外來人口眾多,各個民族匯聚於此,隔上幾條街差別都很大,所以一定要做足功課。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3ibTpQO

英國買樓深度詳解 6 部曲|第 3 步:房屋選擇

其實看房這一步驟與接下來的房屋貸款和買樓律師這兩步是同時進行的,你不能等你看完物業後再去了解貸款,或談妥貸款後再開始看物業也不完全合適,所以這幾件事應該同時進行,同時了解。 Read more: https://bit.ly/2XFIW6C

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