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中國反擊英國 封殺BBC

中國國家廣播電視總局在牛年辛丑年大年初一凌晨零時發出聲明,宣佈不向 BBC世界新聞台(BBC World News)續牌,理由是BBC的報導「違反新聞應當真實、公正的要求,損害中國國家利益,破壞中國民族團結」。此舉明顯是在反擊英 Read more: https://bit.ly/3tWC97G

Future fund backs UK startups with over £1bn investment

You could be forgiven for not noticing the Future Fund. Read more: https://bit.ly/2MPQ5PR


英國政府宣布自1月31日起,讓英國國民海外護照(BNO)持有者以「5+1方式」申請移民的政策生效。中國搶先出招,外交部在29日宣布,自1月31日起,中方不再承認所謂的BNO護照作為旅行證件和身份證明,並保留採取進一步措施的 Read more: https://bit.ly/3auYMHe

Financial Times

Brexit looms. Read more: https://on.ft.com/2YyEUxs

COVID-19: Police break up 150-strong wedding at north London school

The organiser is now facing a £10,000 fine for breaching COVID-19 regulations following the event at Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls’ School in Stamford Hill on Thursday evening, the Met Police said. Read more: https://bit.ly/2LUM2Sg

Covid-19: Boris Johnson signals UK lockdown could continue mid-year

The UK’s third coronavirus lockdown looks set to endure as the government warned it’s too early to contemplate easing restrictions. Read more: https://bit.ly/2YaslZ5

Piers Morgan berates Tory MP over UK’s Covid-19 death rate

A reminder that we are now roughly 10 months into this pandemic A Tory minister has claimed that it is too early to make international comparisons on Covid-19 death rates, as the United Kingdom became the country with the worst… Continue Reading →

The new evidence about schools spreading Covid-19

Widespread claims that schools are primary drivers of Covid outbreaks have been undermined by a new study that suggests children aged under 15 are about half as likely as adults to catch and spread the coronavirus. Read more: https://bit.ly/3oiaHx9

Swathes of England’s vital flood defences ‘almost useless’

Thousands of England’s vital flood defences were in such a state of ruin last year they would fail to protect communities from extreme weather, an investigation has found. Read more: https://bit.ly/3plYNUc

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