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派寶箱融資近千萬攻巴西 港產智能櫃初創 夥郵政局推服務

原文刊於信報財經新聞專欄「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 Pakpobox主攻電商物流智能櫃,近日獲得120萬美元融資。(Pakpobox網上圖片) 港產電商物流智能櫃平台派寶箱(Pakpobox),短短幾年間已建立全球化網絡,近日籌得新一輪融資120萬 Read more: http://bit.ly/2JRvgBw

How China’s KOLs convert fans to sales, creating a nearly $9b industry

The Kardashians may have been able to create an entertainment phenomenon in the US by revealing their luxurious lifestyle through a long-running reality TV series, but Chinese key opinion leaders (KOLs) have been able to convert fans and generate sales… Continue Reading →

Hong Kong slow to go cashless? Blame success of Octopus card, minister says

Hong Kong is lagging behind mainland China in becoming a cashless society because the city’s first such payment option, the contactless Octopus card, was so successful that the city stopped exploring more options, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Edward… Continue Reading →

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