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Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi says the company is on track for a 2019 IPO

This is a breaking news story. Please check back for updates. Read more: https://cnb.cx/2sgiFN5

Hong Kong Surpasses Dot-Com Boom With Record Technology IPO Haul

Fundraising from tech-related initial public offerings in the city, led by ZhongAn Online P&C Insurance Co., has hit a record $4.2 billion this year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That’s more than five times the amount raised in Hong Kong… Continue Reading →

The market for tech IPOs hasn’t been this awful since the Great Recession

The US market for tech IPOs has totally frozen over. Zero Internet or tech companies went public on US exchanges in the first quarter of 2016. The last time that happened was in the first quarter of 2009, during the… Continue Reading →

‘Angry Birds’ Maker Hatches IPO Plan

Rovio Entertainment Oy, the Finnish company behind the “Angry Birds” mobile game and film franchise, plans to list shares on the stock market—a litmus test for an industry known for its erratic performance. Read more: http://on.wsj.com/2w5m7ZZ

$6 billion Atlassian once took a $60 million investment it didn’t need so employees could cash out

Business software company Atlassian, now a $6 billion publicly-traded company,  has been profitable since 2005. Better yet, Atlassian did it without doing a traditional round of venture capital investment.  Read more: http://read.bi/2cBL2Qy

The market for tech IPOs hasn’t been this awful since the Great Recession

The US market for tech IPOs has totally frozen over. Zero Internet or tech companies went public on US exchanges in the first quarter of 2016. The last time that happened was in the first quarter of 2009, during the… Continue Reading →


今年三月,幾家企業包括恒大地產,擱置來港上市的計劃。去年底至今,新股市場一直潛水,已不復去年同期的暢旺。 另一邊廂的花旗,情況亦類同,今年首季,一共只錄得5宗由風投基金支持的IPO上市,相比起去年的18宗明顯大幅下降了。部份風投的管理者更對媒體說:「我們已經向start-up們表明,他們必需減低負債,並專注於核心發展,直至投資氣氛轉好為止。」 這時候,投資者很吝嗇口袋裡的每分每毫,夠膽IPO上市的公司,也許只得Facebook。有關Facebook即將IPO上市的消息一直沒完沒了,尤其是去年,Microsoft在他們身上投資了2.4億美元,箇中大約是150億美元估值吧。現時,Facebook的僱員人數約有550人,最近他們還聘請了Google前業務部VP Sheryl Sandberg擔任COO,除了技術團隊管不到,Sandberg算是一人之下,萬人之上。江湖盛傳Facebook此舉正是為了IPO上市舖路。 Facebook的活躍會員人數,正在以幾何級數地遞增。07年這個時候,他們僅得2000萬活躍會員,一年後翻了3倍多,此刻約有7000萬名活躍會員。這個龐大的社群網絡,除了替會員們帶來網上社交的便利之外,亦為Facebook掌握了7000萬人的生活故事和個人喜好。這種了解的程度,足以比美Google和超越了Yahoo,對企業而言,這包含了非常龐大機會和價值。有分析員說:「社群媒體將會成為的主流產品,Facebook絕對有條件IPO。」 全世界都預期Facebook即將上市,只得一個人否認,那就是FB的founder兼CEO Mark Zuckerberg。今年一月,他卻對60 Minutes說08年很可能不會IPO上市,且看如何吧。 《2008年5月28日刊於蘋果日報》

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