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Bernard Marr:為什麼蘋果 iWatch 將再次改變世界?

08f2327 Bernard Marr Best-selling business author and enterprise performance expert
Rumour has it that later this year Apple will launch a wrist watch that will not only tell you the time but will allow you to monitor yourself and control other devices. The watch will understand where you are, what you have eaten, how many calories you have burnt, how well you have slept etc. The reason I believe the iWatch (or the smart watch idea in general) will change the world is because it will allow all of us to collect and analyse data on both a personal and global level. Take health as an example. These intelligent wrist watches will permit monitoring of an individual's heart rate, calorie intake, activity levels, quality of sleep and more.
  1. Samsung Confirms It Will Build A Smart Watch As Speculation About Apple's iWatch Continues
  2. Apple's Planned ‘IWatch’ Could Be More Profitable Than TV

Bernard Marr Best-selling business author and enterprise performance expert Rumour has it that later this year Apple will launch a wrist watch that will not only tell you the time but will allow you to monitor yourself and control other… Continue Reading →





AT&T former CEO on early iPhone negotiations

I remember asking the question: Are we investing in a business model, are we investing in a product or are we investing in Steve Jobs?The answer to the question was, you’re investing in Steve Jobs. Let’s go after this thing…. Continue Reading →

2006年的Google Phone

This was the original 'Google Phone' presented in 2006 | The Verge

This was the original ‘Google Phone’ presented in 2006 | The Verge


假期前 + iPhone5期望,決定唔訓住睇埋先。 結果,當然係…冇啦,好失望。 原因係,呢場,叫做Steve Jobs走之後第一次, 佢走,已極多人唔睇好, 所以呢次,觀眾既合理期望係:冇理由冇啲「勁嘢」撐住掛? 哈… 真係冇!真係估佢唔到喎! 如果係一場楝篤笑,觀眾聽到「Sorry folks, no iPhone5」,肯定已經忍唔住大叫回水。 蘋果股價應聲下跌,市場既反應係點,非常清楚啦。 究竟係「唔care,未驚過」定還是「真係一個失誤」呢?呢個問題,好值得蘋果分析員/專家好好研究, 我覺得,以Tim Cook既才智,冇理由預知唔到呢個結果,咁即係,佢好大機會,係明知市場有呢個反應, 我又覺得,如果並唔係一個失誤,結果可能會比係一個失誤更大鑊! 日後再詳談(寫) 重温SJ上次公佈iPhone4既時候… [youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=AZX576mHaVI]


iPhone 4仲有冇得炒?唔知,但肯定仍有人熱衷於此,仲寫埋又有得賣喇呢個app自動push你Apple Store幾時又有得訂。

talkbox – 好快的留言App

裝 talkbox 之後,做了facebook connect,不到2分鐘,已有人主動留言hi我,但非常明顯,對方點錯相(某本地知名 mobile developer),誤以為我是另一位女性友人。 X:「Hello~ Hello~」 我:「呢個App真係好用喎。」 X:「噫,點解變咗男人聲既?」 我:「其實我係個男仔!」(我知我係好無聊,唔好意思。) X:「唉吔,唔好意思,搞錯咗。」 我:「唔緊要~」 但無論如何,talkbox讓我跟一群disconnect的朋友,又有機會再溝通起來。 用起來,感覺像對講機,但對話可以重覆再聽。說它像voice mail,又沒有要先打個電話的麻煩。 第二個收到既留言係 sidekick,佢用talkbox嚟問我去唔去某個活動,仲叫我錄啲細路既聲比佢聽,真係無諗過,原來talkbox仲可以咁玩! 只是,不知大家同意否,無可否認,互聯網令溝通變得「廉價」。 關於Whatsapp 另外想說一點Whatsapp,記得約大半年前,我初次使用Whatsapp時,朋友清單上沒有幾人,非常無癮。用幾次後,忍不住uninstall了。近再下載,幾乎所有朋友都裝了,我反而變得落伍了。Time flies。

Adobe ? Apple

在香港, 用iPhone的人明顯也最多, 出街到處都是iPhone的影子。 但Android在美國已急起直追, 最好還是不要得失軟件開發者吧。 想當年palm的軟件和開發者也夠多, 最終卻未能建立價值鏈, 使開發者得到合理的回報。 這方面App Store反而做得不錯, Adobe提出的創作自由, 在沒有一個跟App Store等級相若的軟件商店對手之下, 會有意義嗎? 下載PDF原稿

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