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Tag investment

EY strengthens digital capabilities with the joining of Mtel in Greater China

EY announced today that Mtel, a digital design and implementation company based in Hong Kong, has joined EY in Greater China. The acquisition will boost the capabilities of the EY Greater China advisory practice and help deliver the full value… Continue Reading →

Singapore Life receives US$7.3m investment from Ion Pacific

Singapore Life, a technology-focused life insurer, has received a US$7.3 million investment from Hong Kong-based asset manager Ion Pacific. Read more: http://bit.ly/2IeGGLN

Chinese investors turning away from U.S. startups

Chinese investors are increasingly turning away from U.S. tech startups and diverting money towards companies in Southeast Asia and India in the face of bilateral tensions, according to Edith Yeung, partner at Proof of Capital and advisor to 500 Startups…. Continue Reading →

海闊天空創投領投、ITVF 跟投 港人北上初創「餐道」獲 1 億元 A 輪融資

由香港人李振宏創辦的餐飲外賣服務初創公司「餐道」,宣布完成 1 億元由海闊天空創投、基匯資本領投,魔量資本、香港創科創投基金(ITVF)跟投的 A 輪融資。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2Gamole

Intel Capital invests $117 million in more than a dozen startups

Intel Capital today announced an investment of $117 million in 14 startups doing things like making AI inference faster, helping manufacturers deploy AI systems, building semiconductors, and creating disruptive tech beyond AI in health care and communications. Read more: http://bit.ly/2YJeFTK

美股優勢不變 何必死守港股

美股市場資訊透明,亦有集體訴訟權及證監會監管下,管理層不敢胡作非為。(路透資料圖片) 前作《科網君臨天下》出版後,有讀者問為何轉向投資美股,不但手續較投資港股麻煩,還是隔山買牛,比起當地人,一點優勢 Read more: http://bit.ly/2wOnY8S

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