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IBM raises its blockchain game with secure cloud services and Docker integration

Bitcoin may still be the most famous application of blockchain technology, but the distributed, encrypted database architecture is now being applied to a range of other services, from different kinds of (non Bitcoin) financial transactions to anything else that requires secure… Continue Reading →

是友不是敵 智能科技可成人類得力助手

早前落幕的圍棋人機對決被喻為「世紀之戰」,那些機器超越人類、甚至在未來對人類社會構成威脅的言論又再老調重彈。超級電腦的人工智能擁有自我學習能力,隨着所得資料及數據愈來愈多,其邏輯分析及推算能力毋庸置 Read more: http://bit.ly/1TSUTiQ

Watson 更加關心你? 某天人工智能也許會成為你的面試官

最近最紅的 IT 話題,一定是人工智能。圍棋向來被視為最複雜的遊戲,當人類連這一領域也認輸,人工智能幾乎已經無所不能。比 Google 還早研究人工智能的 IBM,就已經把 Watson 應用於更多生活範疇,日後你能否有新工作,可 Read more: http://bit.ly/1XxJ67O

SleepHealth debuts as first ResearchKit app & study to support IBM Watson Health Cloud

https://youtu.be/ZPXCF5e1_HI Almost one year after IBM announced Watson Health Cloud, a cognitive computing platform built in partnership with Apple, Johnson & Johnson and Medtronic, the computing giant on Tuesday debuted SleepHealth, an app and ResearchKit study investigating the connection between… Continue Reading →

IBM Inks VMware, GitHub, Bitly Deals, Expands Apple Swift Use As It Doubles Down On The Cloud

While a large part of the mobile industry swirls around the streets of Barcelona, IBM is playing host at its own big InterConnect event in Las Vegas, where it unveiled a rush of deals that underscore another major aspect of the growth of mobile:… Continue Reading →

我最期待的畫面出現了!SAO 刀劍神域 VR 始動,IBM 全力支援

正當近日大家都在密切關注 World Mobile Congress 的時候,那一邊廂茅場晶彦的計劃卻在蠢蠢欲動了。說的正是知名輕小說及動畫 Sword Art Online 宣佈正式 VR 化,終於要把這個空想故事帶到真實世界了! Read more: http://bit.ly/1WDYA9Y

IBM’s Watson to guide cancer therapies at 14 centers

Avengers got Ultron while IBM got Watson.. IBM’s Watson to guide cancer therapies at 14 centers Learn more: http://ift.tt/1GZzu1x

IBM’s Watson Analytics platform is now open to everyone

https://youtu.be/maFeZ3X1tdc Check it out: http://tnw.me/54nWZHG

Stanley Druckenmiller Nailed The Biggest Problem Facing IBM

// But there was something else Druckenmiller nailed that is an even bigger problem for Big Blue:revenue is falling. // Check it out: http://ift.tt/10efTb1

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