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Tag huawei

Huawei’s Yearslong Rise Is Littered With Accusations of Theft and Dubious Ethics

On a summer evening in 2004, as the Supercomm tech conference in Chicago wound down, a middle-aged Chinese visitor began wending his way through the nearly abandoned booths, popping open million-dollar networking equipment to photograph the circuit boards inside, according… Continue Reading →

How Australia led the US in its global war against Huawei

Canberra: In early 2018, in a complex of low-rise buildings in the Australian capital, a team of government hackers was engaging in a destructive digital war game. Read more: http://bit.ly/2HWDmo5


美國在最新一輪貿易角力中佔盡主導權,身邊很多愛國朋友不明白為何這個全球負債最多、國民連一個月積蓄也沒有的「大債仔」竟可如斯「惡」,其實在Niall Ferguson所著《文明:決定人類走向的六大殺手級》(Apps Civilization︰ T Read more: http://bit.ly/2W3QDFg

Microsoft said to halt new orders from Huawei

The two major areas of business between Huawei and Microsoft – Windows operating systems for laptops and other content-related services – have both been suspended. Read more: http://bit.ly/2JZ7NNe

这个改造了Android的华为方舟编译器,厉害不?-PingWest 品玩

在前不久华为P30系列新品发布会上,华为消费者事业群 CEO余承东提到过一项很厉害的技术,但被他一嘴带过,这项技术就是方舟编译器。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2HxuNBi

华为操作系统浮出水面-PingWest 品玩

在Google宣布将停止对华为的软件支持后,华为欧洲业务副总裁蒂姆•沃特金斯(Tim Watkins)表示,该集团一直在开发自己的操作系统,该系统已在中国一些地方进行试验,“能够迅速启用”。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2YC2Mye

別再聽別人亂說了!Google 暫停華為 Android 授權的影響總解析

今天科技界最大新聞就是受到美中貿易戰進入白熱化,美國總統川普將包含華為在內的 70 多間中國企業社為黑名單並進行軟硬體禁售令影響,今日Google正式宣佈暫停與華為之間的 Android 裝置授權(也就是所謂的 GMS;Google Mobile Se Read more: http://bit.ly/2JTjHbi

Exclusive: Google suspends some business with Huawei after Trump blacklist – source

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Alphabet Inc’s Google has suspended business with Huawei that requires the transfer of hardware, software and technical services except those publicly available via open source licensing, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters on Sunday,… Continue Reading →

Top U.S. Tech Companies Begin to Cut Off Vital Huawei Supplies

Top U.S. corporations from chipmakers to Google have frozen the supply of critical software and components to Huawei Technologies Co., complying with a Trump administration crackdown that threatens to choke off China’s largest technology company. Chipmakers including Intel Corp., Qualcomm… Continue Reading →

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