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英國政府開始為移除華為 5G 設備作準備

英國在 2020 年決定要將華為從 5G 網絡基建設備供應商名單中移除,並對已經安裝的設備進行移除,不過一直都未有實際制定執行程序,直到最近才開始作諮詢並考慮如何可以合法執行政策。 Learn more: https://bit.ly/3s4jjfV

余承东:今年的麒麟 9000 可能会是华为自产高端芯片的「绝版」

Huawei 因美国禁令失去 Android 合作而导致的软件短板,给华为手机造成的影响更多是反映在中国以外,还不至于真正伤害到国内市场这个销量根基。但芯片制造供应链上台积电这一重要一环的缺失,带来的打击范围可就要大得多 Read more: https://engt.co/3kpXWja

Qualcomm 與華為簽訂 5G 專利協議

雖然美國和中國關係持續緊張,華為亦成為貿易禁令的對象,不過最近 Qualcomm 就仍然與華為簽訂長期專利協議,相信將可以舒緩華為因美國禁令而難以獲得手機核心元件的困局。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3hU3bWl

報章內容 財經

【明報專訊】美國加強遏制華為,再次令人想到,西方在半導體設備業的壟斷程度有多大?中國內地有沒有公司可充當「備胎」?內地業者和媒體曾分析,簡單來說,材料靠日本、光刻機靠荷蘭,其他設備和EDA(Electronic Design Aut Read more: https://bit.ly/2X5LRWE

中國傳拍板11萬億拓科技 致力超越美國 阿里騰訊成主將

中美關係緊張的背後,兩國在科技較量也不斷升級。彭博報道,中國擬於全國兩會期間,通過規模高達1.4萬億美元(約10. Read more: https://bit.ly/3ghQ5SY

Huawei Braces for a Steep Drop in Overseas Smartphone Sales

Sign up for Next China, a weekly email on where the nation stands now and where it’s going next. Huawei Technologies Co. Read more: https://bloom.bg/2x0RVSs

Huawei considers using Sailfish OS instead of its own OS

As a result of its US trade ban, Huawei got its Android revoked and thus it won’t be able to use Google Play Services (the Google Play Store included) on phones that haven’t been already certified. This means that the… Continue Reading →

Huawei apparently decides it needs more bad press, puts ads on phone lock screens

Advertising has a time and a place, and the place is never on the lock screen of a smartphone you paid a lot of money for. As if Huawei didn’t need more negative publicity right now, the company has seemingly… Continue Reading →


Read more: http://bit.ly/2ECJTDQ

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