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Tag horizons ventures

This Startup Built a Bot Army to Reveal Risks Facing Chinese Companies

Investors have long complained that there isn’t enough information about the non-financial risks facing companies in China and Southeast Asia. Environmental disclosures, for example, aren’t common, and where they do exist, they’re often inconsistent and unreliable.  Read more: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-28/how-this-startup-finds-esg-data-on-chinese-companies

Li Ka-shing’s Horizons Ventures sells three fintech units to SPACs

Horizons Ventures, the private investment arm of Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing, has become a beneficiary of the SPAC craze, as at least three of its fintech investments have been acquired by or merged with publicly-traded shell companies. Read more:… Continue Reading →

Connecting Asia’s startup ecosystem

Error 502 Something went wrong here. Please log out, log in and try again. If error persists, we’re ready to help atsuccess@techinasia.com Read more: https://bit.ly/2LmAO8v


如何提升編寫DNA的速度與能力,是目前合成生物學(Synthetic Biology)面對的最大樽頸。長和系創辦人李嘉誠旗下維港投資(Horizons Ventures),最新投資美國DNA合成技術初創Ansa Biotechnologies。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3mwkq34

維港領投澳洲科創Soil Carbon

該公司由一群澳洲農夫自組成立,透過微生物科技,把大氣中的二氧化碳轉化至泥土中成為固碳,並能應用於所有耕作系統,從而有效大幅降低大氣中的二氧化碳水平,更讓泥土更加肥沃。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3i3HQuB

維港投資再押注環保初創 (凌通)

原文刊於《信報》的「凌通/中環解密」專欄 Varden產品的原料來自甘蔗渣等食物廢料。(Varden網上圖片) 長和系創辦人李嘉誠私人投資公司維港投資,再度押注環保產業,出手投資澳洲墨爾本環保包裝物料初創公司Varden。Varden Read more: https://bit.ly/2Wl4q7J

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