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本港新冠肺炎疫情反覆,昨日又新增逾百宗確診個案,戴口罩及進入場所前探熱成為日常生活一部分。香港大學計算機科學系的研究團隊開發了一款Stay Alert Stay Healthy(SASH)安全警報器,除了可偵測體溫異常的人士外,一旦系統 Read more: https://bit.ly/2KGmWWm


原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 本港人口正在老齡化,良好口腔衞生,乃長者保健重要一環。香港大學牙醫學院獲創新及科技局《創科生活基金》項目資助,設計並開發了利用微霧噴射去除牙垢的口部裝置,幫助 Read more: https://bit.ly/3pZeSjB


全額獎學金得主李思再(右)自小喜歡程式設計;左為另一得獎者黎美君。(港大圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/2IJxZww

HKU Business School’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum Gathers Startup Founders to Nurture a Vibrant Startup Ecosystem

Over 20 startup founders and practitioners, together with alumni from a wide range of industries and business backgrounds, assembled in the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum on October 10, 2020, to discuss on a heat topic for startups – venture capital… Continue Reading →


港大工程學院與應科院簽署諒解備忘錄,共同培育本地金融科技界精英。(港大圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/2HiT28L

港大AI篩查肺疫 快速揪出早期患者

新冠肺炎病毒進入人體早期,首先攻擊肺部,其後產生病變;不少放射性影像學研究發現,對於早期無症狀的病人,CT電腦掃描技術有不錯的篩查效果。 Read more: https://bit.ly/2UzamKz

科技園港大成立iAXON 培育大學深科技初創

香港科技園公司與香港大學宣布,HKSTP-HKU iAXON(iAXON)科技園公司西區中心正式啟用,藉以進一步扶植及培育由港大衍生的深科技初創企業。 Read more: https://bit.ly/2wwYtvD

Detection of lost calamus challenges identity of isolated Archaeopteryx feather

In 1862, a fossil feather from the Solnhofen quarries was described as the holotype of the iconic Archaeopteryx lithographica. The isolated feather’s identification has been problematic, and the fossil was considered either a primary, secondary or, most recently, a primary… Continue Reading →

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