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See other posts by HKSTP – Incubation and Acceleration Programmes

[ Incubation company product launch | D-Engraver Limited ] The pandemic has pushed the need for seamless digital solutions and D-Engraver Limited brings to you a legally-binding digital signature solution that is compliant with Electronic Transaction Ordinance and achieves the… Continue Reading →

HKSTP Joins Global Leaders Avnet and ORIX to Nurture Promising Startups and Form a GBA-wide Hardware and Digital Technologies Eco-system

HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 17 December 2021 – Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) is forming a series of strategic partnerships with global leaders such as leading technology distributor and solutions provider Avnet and diversified… Continue Reading →


原文刊於信報財經新聞 位處落馬洲河套區的港深創新及科技園的發展,項目已獲撥款約325億元,開展建設工程。(政府新聞處圖片) 在發展本港的創科基建方面,財政司司長陳茂波表示,政府正全力推動位處落馬洲河套區的 Read more: https://bit.ly/37Vkt2O

科技園租深圳科創園 吸港商落戶 二房東角色管理 一兩幢樓作試點

原文刊於信報財經新聞「2020施政報告──科創合作」 落馬洲河套區港深創新及科技園發展需時,最快2024年才建成。(政府新聞處圖片) 落馬洲河套區港深創新及科技園(創科園)發展需時,政府北上覓創科設施。《施政報告 Read more: https://bit.ly/3o93nnA

[Press Release] HKSTP Launches Startups Alumni Association to Extend Support and Strengthen Connections within Hong Kong’s Startup Community

HKSTP Launches Startups Alumni Association to Extend Support and Strengthen Connections within Hong Kong’s Startup Community (Hong Kong, 18 November 2020) – Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) announces the official launch of the HKSTP Startups Alumni Association… Continue Reading →

科技園領袖計劃 8學員獲培訓兩年

香港創科發展步伐較慢,主因缺乏年輕人才。科技園公司昨推出「香港科技園創科學院」(HKSTP InnoAcademy),並介紹旗下「明日創科領袖培訓計劃」(TLT)的8位學員,他們將於科學園的創科生態圈中,展開為期26個月的培訓旅程 Read more: https://bit.ly/3lBhFMy


原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 要推動企業創新發展,相關的配套與支援缺一不可。香港科技園公司昨天宣布,與滙豐銀行合作推出為期兩年的「SPRINTER 2」計劃,針對製造、基建與物流等本地行業,推動中小企採 Read more: https://bit.ly/3bVWxgz

創新斗室料如期年底落成 融入科技園技術 申請細節待定

首次負責MiC建築項目的呂穎姿(左)認為,MiC有助吸引女性投身建築行業;旁為香港科技園公司首席項目總監黃煜新。(黃俊耀攝) Read more: https://bit.ly/2YtqMpv

科技園首推驗證服務 評測新技術表現

科技園將推出全港首個科技驗證平台,並增加園區高性能運算的託管容量。(香港科技園圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/3htytnm

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