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Tag health tech

Hong Kong healthtech investor Ori Capital hits first close on targeted $400m fund

A spokeswoman for the company said that Ori Capital has already reached the first close of the fund, gaining US$112 million in support. The final completion is expected to be announced at the end of 2021, she added. Read more:… Continue Reading →

Animoca Brands to list health and well-being subsidiary OliveX on NSX

OliveX is a revenue-generating subscription-based platform focused on the health and fitness industry. Animoca Brands Corporation Limited has lodged a prospectus for listing its fitness and health technology subsidiary OliveX Holdings Limited on the National Stock Exchange of Australia (NSX)…. Continue Reading →

何猷龍旗下黑桃入股醫療初創My Platform

原文刊於信報財經新聞 新濠國際(00200)主席兼行政總裁何猷龍旗下的私人家族辦公室黑桃資本宣布,已投資本港初創醫療科技企業醫脈平台My Platform,並持有其股份。My Platform是香港特區政府遙距營商計劃名冊內的供應商,致 Read more: https://bit.ly/3hldJOV

AI in medicine might be overhyped

Read more: https://bit.ly/2QQNfJk

Can vitamin subscriptions transform Asian healthcare?

We are in the middle of a personal health revolution globally, and Asia seems to be rapidly jumping on the bandwagon. Read more: http://bit.ly/38Bdr1O

Cancer sucks, but there are some exciting developments on the research front. In the last month alone, we’ve seen regulators consider a CRISPR therapy that directly targets tumor cells—a first for the U.S. Read more: http://bit.ly/2RereTX


原文刊於信報財經新聞專欄「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 林志文(左二)強調,數據遵照美國HIPPA規定儲存,以防資料外洩;旁為香港體檢執行總監曹貴宜(右一)、香港科技園科技創業培育計劃及企業加速器總監莫偉軒(右二)及Mic Read more: http://bit.ly/2KjBaus

Biotech start-up backed by Li Ka-shing and Bill Gates to launch its immunity-boosting gut bacteria in Hong Kong, Singapore

Evolve BioSystems’ dietary supplement works by reintroducing a beneficial gut bacteria that is missing in today’s babies Read more: http://bit.ly/2J4Af0l

Apple and Stanford’s Apple Watch study identified irregular heartbeats in over 2,000 patients

Apple and the Stanford University School of Medicine each issued press releases today citing the results of the Apple Heart Study that they jointly announced in November 2017. Read more: http://bit.ly/2FlcJt1

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