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Android 新任主管 Sundar Pichai:我不認同以人為中心的策略(Facebook Home)

120206-CHROME-PORTRAITS-043edit-660x440 Sundar Pichai SVP, Chrome and Apps, Google Can’t it be confusing having two operating systems? It’s a world of multiple screens, smart displays, with tons of low-cost computing, with big sensors built into devices. At Google we ask how to bring together something seamless and beautiful and intuitive across all these screens. The picture may look different a year or two from from now, but in the short term, we have Android and we have Chrome, and we are not changing course. As Android’s new head, what do you see as the biggest challenge? I see huge opportunity, because it is just shocking how much of the world doesn’t have access to computing. In his book Eric [Schmidt] talks about the next 5 billion [the people on earth who aren’t connected to the internet who soon will be]. That’s genuinely true and it excites me. What does that mean when a company like Facebook comes out with Home, which changes that experience? To Mark [Zuckerberg], people are the center of everything. I take a slightly different approach. I think life is multifaceted: people are a huge part of it, but not the center and be-all of everything. Talk about Samsung.. Historically the industry has had long stable structures. Look at Microsoft and Intel. They were very codependent on one another, but it served both of them well. When I look at where computing needs to go, we need innovation in displays, in batteries. Samsung is a world leader in those technologies. Finally, you had a pretty full plate with Chrome and Apps, and now you’re handling the world’s biggest phone platform in addition. How are you managing? I have a secret project which adds four hours every day to the 24 hours we have. There’s a bit of time travel involved. source: http://www.wired.com/business/2013/05/exclusive-sundar-pichai-reveals-his-plans-for-android/

Sundar Pichai SVP, Chrome and Apps, Google Can’t it be confusing having two operating systems? It’s a world of multiple screens, smart displays, with tons of low-cost computing, with big sensors built into devices. At Google we ask how to… Continue Reading →

Ilya Pozin:10個助你業務躍升的Apps

Ilya Pozin Founder of Ciplex. Columnist for Inc, Forbes & LinkedIn. 30 Under 30 Entrepreneur. 1. Evernote Ideas can spring up any time and place. Evernote is a handy app to “Remember Everything.” It allows users to store, organize, and… Continue Reading →

Robert Scoble:從今開始,沒有Google Glass我不能生存

scoble Robert Scoble Rackspace's startup liaison officer helps small teams have a huge impact with cloud computing technology.
1. I will never live a day of my life from now on without it (or a competitor). It's that significant.  2. The success of this totally depends on price. Each audience I asked at the end of my presentations "who would buy this?" As the price got down to $200 literally every hand went up. At $500 a few hands went up. This was consistent, whether talking with students, or more mainstream, older audiences. 3. Nearly everyone had an emotional outburst of "wow" or "amazing" or "that's crazy" or "stunning."  4. At NextWeb 50 people surrounded me and wouldn't let me leave until they had a chance at trying them. I haven't seen that kind of product angst at a conference for a while. This happened to me all week long, it is just crazy. 5. Most of the privacy concerns I had before coming to Germany just didn't show up. I was shocked by how few negative reactions I got (only one, where an audience member said he wouldn't talk to me with them on). Funny, someone asked me to try them in a bathroom (I had them aimed up at that time and refused). 6. There is a total generational gap that I found. The older people said they would use them, probably, but were far more skeptical, or, at minimum, less passionate about the fact that these are the future, than the 13-21-year-olds I met.

Robert Scoble Rackspace’s startup liaison officer helps small teams have a huge impact with cloud computing technology. 1. I will never live a day of my life from now on without it (or a competitor). It’s that significant.  2. The… Continue Reading →

Eric Schmidt: I love Facebook Home!

Screen Shot 2013-04-17 at 1.36.45 AM Eric Schmidt:
“I think it’s fantastic — I love it,” Schmidt said. “This is what open source is about. Open source is open source. It’s experimentation, it’s creativity. … I think it’s one of the main reasons that Android is doing so well right now. And it took some guts to do it.”
  1. Google's Next Group of Gadgets Will Blow You Away, Says Eric Schmidt
  2. Google chairman Eric Schmidt on Facebook Home: ‘I love it’

Eric Schmidt: “I think it’s fantastic — I love it,” Schmidt said. “This is what open source is about. Open source is open source. It’s experimentation, it’s creativity. … I think it’s one of the main reasons that Android is… Continue Reading →

Google 點解想收購 WhatsApp?

事實是,Google用盡方法谷人去用Google+,我的YouTube、Google Reader、Picasa Web Album的使用經驗,通通因為「Google+」這件新產品,而受到或多或少的影響。 YouTube:統一用戶profile Google Reader: 先取消shared item,繼而整個Reader退休 Picasa Web Album: 整個變成Google+ Photo 很明顯,Google每一步的目標,都是將其他Google產品的用戶轉化成Google+ 用戶,想推動更多人使用Google+。 此刻Google最需要是什麼? 不同往時,Facebook的王國架設在firewall以內,並沒有向Google開放社交網絡上的內容和數據。Google不可以再靠「bot」自動搜挖社交網絡上的內容,從而提供贊助內容的配對。同時,人們的注意力,繼續從網站、博客,不斷轉移到社交媒體、手機Apps,要知道,手機Apps的對話也是Google所不能接觸的(想想WeChat、Whatsapp的聊天紀錄和內容),所以Google需要增加集團在Social和Mobile兩個範疇的本錢。收購是最有效率的方法。 如果Google收購Whatsapp,我認為,大方向也是如何助Google+跟FB爭一日之長短,雖則,大家都明白唔多容易。 當然當然,對大家而言,被收購後,是否意味Whatsapp將「永久免費」,還是比較關心的一件事。

尹思哲:Google Keep 唔多掂

1. Google Keep,似Google Drive + Gmail Task 2. 大家記唔記得,舊時已經摺咗一個 Google Notebook.. 3. 用開 Gmail Task + Google Calendar 既用戶點好呢? 4. 大鑊,會唔會遲下又忽然執咗 Gmail Task 架?如果係咁,我真係會殺人的。 5. 總結:Google 而家每次出新產品,出嚟既第一感覺都係負面居多~

趁佢病 攞佢命 Google Map (Mobile Web) 出街景

  Google 得勢不饒人,將於本周四在 Google Map 手機版(以瀏覽器開啟)推出 Street View 街景功能。 最屈機係,幾時推出 App Store 新版 Google Map,控制權係 Google 手上…





Google Glass 取代智能手機?


Sergey Brin:「Google Glass比智能手機好,用戶唔洗再邊走路邊低頭望手機。」

Google Glass真係咁好?睇完以下Demo片段,大家可以自行判斷。


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