One of Inbox’s most convenient features are Travel bundles that organize reservations and other related emails in an easy to read manner. Google is now testing (via Androidworld) a Trips app that organizes every aspect of your travels and offers useful… Continue Reading →
In August, I announced Alphabet and our new structure and shared my thoughts on how we were thinking about the future of our business. (It is reprinted here in case you missed it, as it seems to apply just as… Continue Reading →
Google today announced a new machine learning platform for developers at its NEXT Google Cloud Platform user conference in San Francisco. As Google chairman Eric Schmidt stressed during today’s keynote, Google believes machine learning is “what’s next. Read more:
Google has been developing a third-party keyboard for iOS that would put the company’s search engine in a highly used part of the interface, The Verge has learned. Read more:
作者:沐陽浸月(中國科學院自動化所複雜系統國家重點實驗室研究生,主攻機器人與人工智慧。) 原文刊載於雷鋒網,經作者同意後授權轉載。 馬文·明斯基教授是幾乎見證了從人工智慧作為一門學科的興起直至今日成就 Read more:
"I wear glasses because I have to. I don't know a lot of people who wear them because they don't have to," he said. "I think the wrist is interesting. The wrist is natural."Apple is widely considered to be developing a "smartwatch," with analysts speculating that it could have a 1.5- to 2-inch display, with technology similar to the iPod Nano, on sale in 2014. He also acknowledged the company's stock price, which has fallen 21 percent over the past year. "It's been frustrating for investors and all of us," Cook said. "What we have to do is focus on products." 相關內容:
“I wear glasses because I have to. I don’t know a lot of people who wear them because they don’t have to,” he said. “I think the wrist is interesting. The wrist is natural.” Apple is widely considered to be… Continue Reading →
「亞洲網絡廣告市場還看中小企。」Google亞太區總裁Karim Temsamani道出公司未來在亞洲的發展策略,原來不是跨國大型企業客戶,而是全力爭取中小企廣告客戶。他指出,網絡正在改變營銷活動的潛規則,更揚言以小勝大的時代即將展開!
從數據顯示,亞洲的中小企業,比西方歐美要多,亦更成熟。以印尼、中國、澳洲和日本的中小企業為例,對國家GDP所佔比例超過60%。至於香港的約30萬中小企,亦佔整體GDP的約50%。根據資料,中小企業在搜尋引擎的廣告花費比例為66%;截至去年中,本地網絡廣告市場約值1億美元,佔總廣告支出約 5%,年增長為13%。
亞太區中小企業營運總監 Kevin O’Kane指出,網絡讓營銷不受限於企業規模和資源,其中一個原因,是由於在網絡世界,沒有了地理限制的問題,中小企業的在地市場,由從前可能是一個城市,擴大到整個亞太區甚至全球。
香港三和珍珠寶石的Franco Fung表示:「多年來面對開拓其他國家客源成本高昂、風險高的問題,在使用網絡營銷以後,可以利用Google提供的工具去探測潛在市場,讓客源已跨展至歐洲、俄羅斯與沙烏地阿拉伯等新市場,相比傳統到海外參展,或於報章雜誌上刊登廣告更加有效。」
Google亞太區總裁Karim Temsamani道出公司未來在亞洲的發展策略,原來不是跨國大型企業客戶,而是全力爭取中小企廣告客戶。
“Growth in the consumer tech industry always starts with traffic,” She added that buying Tumblr instantly boosts Yahoo’s user base by 50% to 1 billion, and Web traffic by 20%, “which is really heartening.” Yahoo will pick up around 90 software engineers from Tumblr. Web companies often pay $1 million per engineer during a transaction.重要內容
“Growth in the consumer tech industry always starts with traffic,” She added that buying Tumblr instantly boosts Yahoo’s user base by 50% to 1 billion, and Web traffic by 20%, “which is really heartening.” Yahoo will pick up around 90… Continue Reading →
Dylan Tweney Executive Editor at VentureBeat For Health Care Google Glass makes a lot of sense in health care, for instance. Doctors and nurses could use Google Glass to look up prescription details, access patient health records, see reminders about… Continue Reading →
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