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GOGOX預路演 估值最高197億

本港獨角獸企業、阿里(09988)有份投資的物流服務平台GOGOX,正進行上市前預路演。保薦人之一的瑞銀給予GOGOX未來12個月的預測估值,介乎138億港元至197億港元。 瑞銀預期,GOGOX在2021年至2024年間的收入分別可達6. Read more: https://bit.ly/3GC7rpu

Chinese Logistics Startup Gogox Gets Go-Ahead for Hong Kong IPO

(Yicai Global) Feb. 7 — Gogox Holdings, a leading online Chinese crosstown logistics platform, has been given the green light to proceed with an initial public offering in Hong Hong. Read more: https://bit.ly/3owjkH5


外電引述知情人士透露,香港的物流獨角獸GOGOX(前稱GOGOVAN),考慮最快今年進行首次公開招股,可能融資4億至5億美元(約31.2億至39億港元)。 Read more: https://bit.ly/2R6oEmV

GoGoVan內地公司名義謀上市 公屋出身創辦人曾稱「買樓無用」被揭已上車

近年港府力谷年青人投身初創,並經常以GoGoVan(現稱GOGOX)成功晉身獨角獸(估值達10億美元)為「港產」企業少有成功例子,多次傳出快將成為第一間上市的「港產Start-up」,但一直只聞樓梯響。 Read more: https://bit.ly/39ud0IW

GOGOX and Lalamove: The Growth Stories of Two Hong Kong Unicorns

Today, getting what we want, when we want it, has become easier than ever before. At the tap of a button, we can go on an Amazon spending spree and get dinner delivered to our front doorstep. Read more: https://bit.ly/2QgQKIe

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