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Propaganda Works Better Than Censorship

How, in the age of the internet, does a government quell unrest? One popular option is to simply shut the internet down. In 2018 there were 195 shutdowns across 25 countries, and this year is already on track to break that… Continue Reading →

網路霸凌與「匿名發言」制的兩難:助長言語暴力 vs. 守護民主價值

這兩天社群媒體上沸沸揚揚的討論話題之一是新生代模特兒楊又穎的自殺新聞,根據報導,楊又穎選擇輕生,可能是因為受到臉書粉絲團「靠北部落客」(目前呈現關閉狀態)上網友們的霸凌。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2jce2l0

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