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Tag free market

Changes at Basecamp

At Basecamp, we treat our company as a product. It’s not a rigid thing that exists, it’s a flexible, malleable idea that evolves. We aren’t stuck with what we have, we can create what we want. Just as we improve… Continue Reading →

【CUP】陶傑:重新定左右 (356)

為甚麼美國精英和華爾街、矽谷和學術界都仇恨杜林普?正如 30 年代,以南京上海為基地的民國政府討厭毛澤東。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3n18g1L

The Revolution Comes to Davos

At the anti-capitalist capitalist event, radical sentiments erupt in unexpected places. Everyone at Davos this year really wants you to know that the corporate world is cleaning up its act. Yes, O.K., maybe they’ve said things like that before, but… Continue Reading →

Read more: https://cnn.it/2Rve82V

Trump orders ‘300 burgers’ to White House amid shutdown

US President Donald Trump has put on a fast food feast at the White House, blaming the partial government shutdown for the lack of catering staff. He welcomed the winners of the national college football championship, the Clemson Tigers, with… Continue Reading →

Je Suis 楊偉雄

有些事筆者經常思考,例如究竟香港人知否政府的legitimacy(合法性)是什麼?香港人DNA裏包含批評政府的部分,無論藍絲黃絲,同樣每天認為政府做得不夠多。可是,近日批評特區政府官員的不只港人,而是我們偉大祖國最成 Read more: http://bit.ly/2x9LDPY

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