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日本飲料製造商麒麟控股上周宣布,與明治大學的宮下芳明研究室合作,研發出全球首款「調味筷子」。筷子頂端有特製金屬組件,可釋出電流以刺激舌頭味蕾,助「重口味」食客享用低鈉食品。 Read more: http://startupbeat.hkej.com/?p=117647

Six top trends set to impact APAC’s F&B development in 2021 – featuring Mondelez, Chobani, Kirin, Nestle and more

The alternative protein sector has received a great deal of attention over the past year, with more and more firms launching products or announcing new technology/prototypes. Read more: https://bit.ly/38ZLYrH

美科學家用雞毛培育人造雞塊 BBC記者試食:味道很像雞肉

獲微軟創辦人比爾·蓋茨及香港首富李嘉誠投資的美國矽谷食品科技公司JUST又有新搞作!繼植物蛋後,JUST又研發了「人造雞塊」。利用雞毛提取雞的細胞,只需兩日就可培育一塊雞肉。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2AFPCae

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