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李子樹(圖中)認為,粵港澳三地可互補不足,騰訊希望以此作為基建,下一步將加大培育有關人才。(黃潤根攝) Read more: http://bit.ly/2C2wfZl

虛擬銀行傳發5牌 中資過半

本港首批虛擬銀行牌照花落誰家快將揭曉,消息透露,金管局數周內將批出最少5張虛擬銀行牌照,實際數目仍有待最後確定,獲批牌照的申請機構以中資背景佔多,包括騰訊(00700)及螞蟻金服。令人意外的是,市場一直以為渣 Read more: http://bit.ly/2BNen4k

Airwallex攻企業跨境支付 獲騰訊紅杉李嘉誠投資

張碩提到虛擬銀行的目標,是為下個10年的互聯網企業服務。(Airwallex網上圖片) Read more: http://bit.ly/2BzL6dn

開發者怎樣看香港金管局開放 API

深入淺出:我們應該怎樣理解金管局 API 的用途、藍圖,以及對銀行業界的影響-還有,這跟我們常說的「fintech」有關嗎? Read more: http://bit.ly/2FzBrXj

Neat First to Join Xero’s New Open Banking API for Accounting

Xero, a cloud-based accounting software platform geared for SMEs, announced the launch of its open banking API in Hong Kong, which would link up banks, fintechs and financial institutions. Xero has 1. Read more: http://bit.ly/2DAyC7i

Hong Kong slow to go cashless? Blame success of Octopus card, minister says

Hong Kong is lagging behind mainland China in becoming a cashless society because the city’s first such payment option, the contactless Octopus card, was so successful that the city stopped exploring more options, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Edward… Continue Reading →

Li Ka-shing shows strong backing for Hong Kong’s fintech sector leading US$7m MioTech investment

Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong’s richest man, has given his strong backing to the city’s fast-growing financial technology start-up sector by investing in MioTech – a specialist provider of artificial intelligence (AI) for investors. Read more: http://bit.ly/2wYlDpz

FinTech初創晤金管 冀改善開戶難

金管局於2016年推出3項指引,便利中小企在銀行開戶,惟至今仍有不少企業面對在銀行開戶困難的問題,較嚴重的包括涉及不少現金往來的找換店,以及難有詳盡財務紀錄的金融科技初創公司。據了解,成員以找換業務為主的香 Read more: http://bit.ly/2yn45Wk


当人工智能成为街头巷尾热议的话题时,与经济生活密切相关的“未来银行”自然也成为了势不可挡的新业态。人工智能的发展,必然颠覆以银行为主体的传统金融格局,炫酷的未来金融大幕,已徐徐打开。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2Lv7NkZ

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