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A Global Survey Released By Finastra Reveals That Hong Kong Financial Institutions Are Leading Markets Including Singapore, The US And The UK In Their Intentions To Deploy Artificial Intelligence (AI).

• Finastra survey shows Hong Kong leads global financial hubs, including Singapore, UK and US, in AI deployment plans for next 12 months • Hong Kong’s enthusiasm for Open Banking is strong, with 9 in 10 institutions looking to use… Continue Reading →

Qupital partners with LianLian Global to provide enhanced financing services to cross-border e-commerce sellers

Qupital has entered into a strategic partnership with LianLian Global, China’s leading digital services and payments provider for cross-border e-commerce sellers. Read more: https://bit.ly/3c5qbyx

港人金融科技接受程度高  僅 17%自認對應用程式有良好理解

支付系統業界消息金融科技 支付系統業界消息金融科技by on12 五月, 2020 近年電子支付在港迅速普及,而網上理財手機 App 的使用率更節節上升。Visa 委託進行的一項最新研究即發現,金融科技(Fintech)應用正成為香港消費者日常 Read more: https://bit.ly/2X769hx

Major layoffs at prominent digital lending firm Oriente

The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the online lending industry hard. While more people and businesses are seeking loans to make up for lost income, online lenders are seeing defaults spike and slowing down the issuing of new loans. As a… Continue Reading →

港產FinTech再吸3.9億 Oriente獲恒地李家傑領投

本港金融科技(FinTech)初創Oriente昨天宣布,於B輪融資籌集了5000萬美元(約3.9億港元),領投方為恒基地產(00012)聯席主席李家傑,以色列軟件公司Wix.com及其他現有投資者亦有參與。 Read more: https://bit.ly/2VZAO0R


iPYGG讓年輕人改善理財方式,於今年8月投入香港及新加坡市場。(iPYGG圖片) 本地金融科技初創iPYGG Fintech Group Limited(iPYGG),已獲得資產投資公司Standard Perpetual標準盛豐融資,並宣布籌得種子輪資金100萬港元。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3ccQHWO

Li Ka-shing leads funding round for Hong Kong fintech startup

HONG KONG — Tycoon Li Ka-shing, the former chairman of CK Hutchison Holdings, has led a new funding round for MioTech, a Hong Kong-based startup that uses artificial intelligence to generate data for investors. Read more: https://s.nikkei.com/2N4QT0u

【虛銀革命.倫敦直擊】港8個虛銀牌 7間屬中資 借鑑英國狂燒錢 難顛覆傳統銀行

本港虛擬銀行最快年底試運,究竟能否顛覆傳統銀行業,搶佔市場份額,令傳統巨擘走上轉型之路,本報走訪全球營運虛銀最成功的英國,一探當地吸引客戶的方法,以及經營狀況。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2RB49wJ


原文刊於信報財經新聞 多間虛擬銀行正籌備開業,惟香港經濟陷入內憂外患,前景不明朗,有傳多間虛銀因而延遲開業時間表。有份獲發牌照的WeLab及渣打均表示,現時香港社會情況未有阻礙開業計劃,WeLab創辦人龍沛智指出, Read more: http://bit.ly/2mBaSKh

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