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HiFi 與 WiFi 之後,改變世界的將是 DeFi

比特幣和伴隨而來的區塊鏈面世十年多,對普羅大眾來說神神祕祕,好像很厲害,又好像跟自己沒甚麼關係。業界基於市場分析、技術能力、個人興趣,開發出各種項目,一直在等待所謂的殺手鐧應用跑出。最近賽果越來越明確 Read more: https://bit.ly/2Fx8u08

Hong Kong Banking Alternative Neat Adds US$4M Extension Round to its Series A

Hong Kong-based fintech Neat has raised US$4 million as a Series A extension round, according to a press statement released by the company today. Read more: https://bit.ly/3hqF16a

HK Digital Asset Custodian Hex Trust Bolsters Its Platform and Position with Investment from Kenetic

Hong Kong-based digital asset custody and servicing platform Hex Trust has secured a strategic investment from Asian digital assets and blockchain investment firm Kenetic, according to a statement released by Hex Trust on Wednesday. Read more: https://bit.ly/2CwYmDr


全球跨境支付公司Airwallex(空中雲滙)宣布,阿里巴巴創業者基金作為新的投資者參與公司D+輪融資,加速公司對產品、服務規模和生態體系的擴建。早於4月,Airwallex完成1.6億美元(約12.48億港元)D輪融資。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3g7IGoQ


原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 黃克強(左二)表示,科技園將促進數據交換,構建蓬勃的開放API生態系統;旁為莫偉軒(左一)、李慧琳(左三)及王玥(左四)。(何澤攝) 本地近年積極引入金融科技(FinTec Read more: https://bit.ly/2ZHzHoz

港大設金融科技獎學金 最高20萬

原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 金融科技在本港發展迅速,需要大量具備計算機科學、商業和監管技術等跨學科知識人才。於今年4月成立、由渣打慈善基金資助6000萬元的「香港大學-渣打香港150週年慈善基金金融 Read more: https://bit.ly/3iTGlQ2

Rapyd Research Identifies Rising Digital Payments Winners Across Asia Pacific

Rapyd Research Identifies Rising Digital Payments Winners Across Asia Pacific The Rapyd 2020 Asia Pacific eCommerce and Payment Study conducted in March and April across seven countries in APAC reveals the most frequently used and preferred payment methods of 3,500… Continue Reading →

Blockchain startups dominated Hong Kong’s fintech sector in 2019.

According to the Financial Services and Treasury Bureau report, the blockchain companies accounted for 39% of the 57 fintech companies that set up shop in Hong Kong last year. Read more: https://bit.ly/378uYy1

數碼人民幣推省市試點  陳德霖倡建四地跨境幣

陳德霖建議香港與中國、日本、南韓,合作推出「區域數碼貨幣」。(黃潤根攝) 自國家主席習近平去年10月提倡「攻克區塊鏈關鍵核心技術」,中國在區塊鏈以至數碼貨幣領域全速推進,據報由人行發行的「數碼人民幣」, Read more: https://bit.ly/2Uh1clJ

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