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Tag fintech

Li Ka-shing’s Tom Group to spend lavishly on e-commerce, fintech and data analytics in China to avoid repeat of 2015 net loss

Tom Group, the Chinese media conglomerate controlled by tycoon Li Ka-shing, plans to reposition its businesses and investments on the mainland after reporting a wider net loss last year. Read more: http://bit.ly/1UX4x3s


比特幣(Bitcoin)為加密電子貨幣(Cryptocurrency)的一種,最早在2008年由化名中本聰(Satoshi Nakamoto)的開發者以白皮書形式在電郵中首次介紹,並於2009年以開源(Open-source)軟件形式正式推出。 Read more: http://bit.ly/1LLxqgI

Google experiments with a way to pay without taking out your phone

Google is rolling out a pilot program today that introduces a new way to pay cashiers — and it involves leaving your phone in your pocket. It’s called Hands Free, and it’s a way to basically connect your phone with… Continue Reading →

Feature Friday: Paying With Your Phone

The other day I went to Whole Foods on the way home from yoga. It was around 7pm and the store was packed. I bought a whole bunch of stuff and when I got to checkout, I realized I did… Continue Reading →

重建秩序 返回正軌

自2008年美國首次推行量化寬鬆,至今已經踏入第九個年頭,雖然美國已開始加息,但加息幅度或速度預料會既小又慢;而大西洋的另一邊,歐洲央行的量寬計劃卻方興未艾,瑞典及日本央行更.. 財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強 Read more: http://bit.ly/1PB78fD

Coinbase CEO: Bitcoin is not having a crisis

[slideshare id=58176110&doc=bitcoin-is-not-splitting-in-two-it-is-upgrading-2-160212021313] Bitcoin is… 1. not having a crisis, it is having an election 2. not splitting in two, it is upgrading 3. entering an era of multiple competing nodes 4. on the cusp of an upgrade to 2MB blocks… Continue Reading →

The Schism Over Bitcoin Is How Bitcoin Is Supposed to Work

The bitcoin community can’t even agree on whether it’s breaking up. Last month, Mike Hearn—an ex-Googler and one of the biggest names working on the software underpinning bitcoin—made more than a few headlines when he called the digital currency “a failed… Continue Reading →

香港不能缺席互聯網金融 推動 P2P 經濟成功關鍵

2015 年,P2P 網貸已經成為全球金融界的關鍵詞。根據 P2P 網貸第三方平台網貸之家聯合盈燦諮詢發佈的《中國 P2P 網貸行業 2015 年 9 月月報》顯示,9 月P2P 網貸行業整體成交量達 1151.92 億元,環比 8 月上升18. Read more: http://ift.tt/1O8Q1DQ

黃元山:籲青年拾獅子山精神 藥石亂投

對於香港社會最近的情況,有不同的分析,有的從政治理念和政治架構、青年人往上流機會減少、青年人對前途迷惘、國家和特區之間的關係、香港人整體生活壓力太大、收入追不上生活指數(包括樓價)、經濟結構單一化、資 Read more: http://ift.tt/1MhlywZ 藥石亂投

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