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(本文作者系中信银行公司部副总经理) 人类对于技术总是抱着欣喜与恐惧的矛盾心理。当年蒸汽机、火车和手机的出现,都曾经一边在人们的质疑甚至对抗中不断发展,一边给人类带来了越来越多的福利。马车夫讨厌汽车, Read more: http://bit.ly/2PHv9aA


再有銀行考慮設立虛擬銀行,創興銀行(01111)執行董事兼行政總裁宗建新表示,該行有意申領虛擬銀行牌照,冀能配合大灣區發展,加強其跨境業務。創銀一直就虛擬銀行的問題與金管局溝通,亦有與科技公司探討合作。 創 Read more: http://bit.ly/2LUgL0y

Hong Kong slow to go cashless? Blame success of Octopus card, minister says

Hong Kong is lagging behind mainland China in becoming a cashless society because the city’s first such payment option, the contactless Octopus card, was so successful that the city stopped exploring more options, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Edward… Continue Reading →

Li Ka-shing shows strong backing for Hong Kong’s fintech sector leading US$7m MioTech investment

Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong’s richest man, has given his strong backing to the city’s fast-growing financial technology start-up sector by investing in MioTech – a specialist provider of artificial intelligence (AI) for investors. Read more: http://bit.ly/2wYlDpz

How a Cashless Society Could Embolden Big Brother

When money becomes information, it can inform on you. In 2014, Cass Sunstein—one-time “regulatory czar” for the Obama administration—wrote an op-ed advocating for a cashless society, on the grounds that it would reduce street crime. Read more: http://theatln.tc/20ttynE

Singapore is making cashless payments a key to its Smart Nation, and this is a mistake

Read more: http://bit.ly/2xbiPX0

Mastercard, UnionPay, Visa Launch QR Code

Mastercard, UnionPay International and Visa have introduced a Standardized Quick Response (QR) Code for payments, accelerating Thailand’s transition to a cashless society. Read more: http://bit.ly/2q7Lk6w

Square Said to Acquire Team From Struggling Social App Yik Yak

Square Inc. acquired the engineering team of Yik Yak, according to a person familiar with the matter, marking the decline of the once-popular anonymous social network. The payments processor paid less than $3 million for between five and ten of… Continue Reading →


亞洲金融市場打造了創新科技發展的最佳機遇。納斯達克執行副總暨市場技術部總經理Lars Ottersgård指出金融科技如結算、交易、指數計算、風險管理及保安系統方面的需求尤其突出,香港交易所就是其中一個重要伙伴。通過香 Read more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUDdImbKRoI

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