Some 40 companies and organizations are expected to file briefs today in support of Apple in its fight with the federal government over privacy and security. The legal dispute centers on a court order that Apple help federal investigators hack… Continue Reading →
Samsung Electronics Co. called customer privacy “extremely important” and said any requirement to build backdoors into its devices would undermine trust, as it weighs in on Apple Inc.’s escalating battle against the U.S. government. Read more:
While Apple is fighting the FBI in court over encryption, Amazon quietly disabled the option to use encryption to protect data on its Android-powered devices. Read more:
“WE FEEL we must speak up in the face of what we see as an overreach by the US government. Read more:
In this country we have rights. Under the 6th Amendment we have very specific rights In the current case facing Apple, the terrorists who had possession of the phone are deceased. Read more:
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