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原文刊於信報財經新聞 林宣武(左)直言,香港單靠本地內部消費的市場有限。右為畢堅文。(黃勁璋攝) 本港中小企經營環境欠佳,林宣武表示,疫情肆虐、歐美情況尤其嚴重,實體店生意減少,沒有電商銷售渠道的企業 Read more: https://bit.ly/38FTBVQ


原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 宜家與華碩開發的電競家具約有三十種產品。(宜家傢俬圖片) 根據2020年Newzoo全球遊戲市場報告,全球約有四分一人口(25億人)是遊戲玩家,但家居方面的需求一直被忽略。宜家 Read more: https://bit.ly/3hPqSyF

電競業冀重開場館 加碼補貼渡疫境

新冠疫情爆發至今已超過半年,本港數碼娛樂業界叫苦連天;(左起)周學謙、李展熙、伍家輝、李雅兒、林鳳儀及羅賢。(黃俊耀攝) Read more: https://bit.ly/3kacClJ

半數電競商瀕倒閉 促防疫基金施援手

香港電競總會促請特區政府,透過防疫抗疫基金向本港的新興電競行業伸出援手,挽救瀕臨倒閉的商舖及失業的員工。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3eaiLw9

港產 VR 電競盒「VAR BOX」於海外取得成功後終於登陸本地市場

香港初創公司不少,當中也有很多在海外取得成功後,回到香港繼續發展。本地初創 VAR LIVE 在 2018 年推出的全球首個 VR 流動體驗裝置,就在日本和台灣取得成功之後,終於進駐香港引入相關產品。 Read more: http://bit.ly/30HkhPh

Newzoo: Global Esports Economy Will Top $1 Billion for the First Time in 2019

We are proud to announce that today marks the release of our 2019 Global Esports Market Report, the fifth edition of the landmark report. Read more: http://bit.ly/2DVwdCH

New Sports; The Required Evolution of Esports

The term esports no longer accurately defines the industry nor the culture we have become. For almost a decade I’ve been asked the same question at every panel, sponsor discussion, or general assembly around esports. Read more: http://bit.ly/2urOkMx

Steam goes to China with the help of Perfect World

Chinese publisher Perfect World is helping Valve to create Steam China, which will bring Steam officially into the Chinese market. This is a huge move that will make Steam a legit platform in the biggest gaming market on the planet…. Continue Reading →

亞運電競 騰訊或最贏

中國隊曾在《英雄聯盟》世界頂級電競大賽中擊敗南韓奪冠(圖),他們在今年亞運會中也是摘金大熱。(新華社資料圖片) 今年夏天除了俄羅斯世界盃,還有將於印尼雅加達舉辦的亞運會。一般而言,亞運會的號召力及商 Read more: http://bit.ly/2xN9YPi

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