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Tag elon musk

Dear Elon Musk

我用 Twitter 已經 15 年咁耐 作為老用戶希望你可以… 開放返限制俾 3rd Party Client 令到用戶有返更多「選擇」 唔使硬食官方App一套演算法 救返個 newsfeed 唔似 Fb 咁垃圾 好冇? 老用戶 尹思哲

Elon Musk Just Announced a $100 Million Prize Competition — Here’s How to Enter

On Thursday, SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk joined XPrize’s chairman to announce a $100 million Carbon Removal competition. Read more: https://bit.ly/3nxZbPu

報章內容 財經

先解釋一下人腦的結構以及腦機接口概念。人類大腦的皮質內分佈着大約200億個神經元,每個神經元都有大約1000個突觸連接着其他神經元。這些神經元負責人類的視覺、聽覺等複雜的感官信息,以及語言、運動等各種思考和活 Read more: https://bit.ly/3s9mHTD

馬斯克也「移民」 (高天佑)

馬斯克5月放售加州豪宅,揚言「矢志探索火星,地球居所只是累贅」,近日卻傳出他計劃搬到得州,以逃避加州高稅率。(法新社資料圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/3gIuUtA

Elon Musk Sacrificed His Marriage For Success

At the age of 12, he wrote a computer game called Blastar, which he sold to a computer magazine for $500. At 33, he predicted that the future of space exploration belonged to private corporations. Read more: https://bit.ly/32EARBh

Steve Jurvetson on 20 Years of Friendship with Elon Musk, How To Analyse Market Timing, Why Venture Does Not Scale & Why He Has Never Sold A Share in Any Company He Holds

Steve Jurvetson is the Co-Founder @ Future Ventures who announced their debut and flagship $200M Fund in 2019. Steve’s incredible portfolio includes the likes of SpaceX, Tesla, Planet, Memphis Meats, Hotmail, and the deep learning companies Mythic and Nervana. Read… Continue Reading →


美國電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Musk)表示,將在2020年推出超過100萬輛自動駕駛的士(robotaxis),開始將在沒有人的情況下進行試運行。 馬斯克在特斯拉投資者發布會上,展示了公司自駕技術最新發展與策略,包括安裝聲稱專用於自駕車技術開發的電腦晶片。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2vi9TPS

Elon Musk on Twitter

Read more: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1040630345463357440

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