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疫情下市場投資氣氛審慎,初創企業難以籌集資金,面對嚴重現金流問題。立法會資訊科技界議員莫乃光昨發表調查結果,有六成受訪初創企業反映,目前公司現金只夠維持3個月營運開支,反映經營情況極為嚴峻。 Read more: https://bit.ly/2Pfa9ZT

Oddup | Most Trusted Startup Rating System | UnicornHunt

Read more: http://bit.ly/2QdLcxq


  中新网深圳5月20日电 (记者 郭军)微众银行与香港科技大学(以下简称“港科大”)20日正式宣布成立“香港科技大学—微众银行联合实验室”。据悉,这是首个粤港合作银行业联合实验室。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2QfXNAs


貿發局副總裁葉澤恩期望,「創業日」幫助初創應付資金、人脈、人才招聘等挑戰。(陳子健攝) 香港貿易發展局(貿發局)將於下周四及五(16及17日),假灣仔會展舉行第11屆「創業日」。今屆主題為「創.生活」,鼓勵初 Read more: http://bit.ly/2PSOXIw

Cyberport: Inside Hong Kong’s unicorn factory

Pierre Mouette is a two-time entrepreneur that was born in Paris, met the co-founder of his current firm in Hong Kong, and is looking to get his line of smart sportswear manufactured in Shenzhen. Read more: http://bit.ly/2PwtIMh

3 tips for businesses entering Hong Kong’s strong startup scene

Klook, Gogovan, and 9Gag are all successful startups in different industries, but they have one thing in common: they were all founded in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has been touted as an ideal place for fledgling businesses, boasting a total… Continue Reading →

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