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Tag drone

A first look at Amazon’s new delivery drone

For the first time, Amazon today showed off its newest fully electric delivery drone at its first re:Mars conference in Las Vegas. Chances are, it neither looks nor flies like what you’d expect from a drone. Read more: https://tcrn.ch/2ZbmRvv

無人機頻襲機場 急須實名制監管

/ 顯示原圖 雲南昆明長水國際機場淨空保護區近期連續發生多宗無人機非法飛行事件,亦有疑似無人機2日晚飛入四川綿陽機場淨空保護區,迫使機場啟動應急預案。四川政協委員曾文忠呼籲,應盡快立法監管無人機,建立 Read more: http://bit.ly/2lqjAWw


近年附設了鏡頭的無人機大幅降價, 航拍成為不少人的愛好,以前要租用昂貴的直升機才拍到的高空鳥瞰角度拍攝畫面,如今買隻數千元的航拍機就已經有4K畫面質素,電視台近年的旅遊節目和不少商業拍攝也已廣泛使用航 Read more: http://bit.ly/2kHhKn4

穗機場建電子網 偵測攔截無人機

原文刊於信報財經新聞 中國今年初接連發生多宗民用航拍無人機闖入載人民航飛機航線或機場範圍的事件。廣州白雲國際機場副總經理黃浩表示,他們已積極研發新型電子圍網系統,用以偵測和攔截無人機,並爭取今年年底 Read more: http://bit.ly/2lqjvCc

Airbus wants to have an autonomous aircraft prototype by the end of 2017

The flying car remains among those technologies that has always remained about ten years away.  Or maybe just a year, if you believe the CEO of Airbus. Read more: http://on.mash.to/2kHfXhK

This 500-pound drone that can carry you around is ready for test flights

The dream of Americans flying inside a drone just moved one step closer. While the size of a small airplane, the Ehang 184 is truly a drone. Passengers get in the one-seater, enter their destination and the Ehang 184 —… Continue Reading →

Passenger drones will start flying for real in summer 2017

If you make it to Dubai this summer, you might have the chance to catch a brand new type of self-driving vehicle. One that flies. Read more: http://on.mash.to/2kHflZp

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