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1ad0d0d Ryan Holmes CEO at HootSuite

1. Be loyal. In business, loyalty can be a huge asset. I’ve learned that surrounding yourself with a loyal team is one of the key factors to success. BUT, this should all be taken with a grain of salt. Blind loyalty helps nobody. If I know that a team member is—after a certain fair amount of time—not doing the job they were hired to do, or if a business ally is starting to look out for only his best interests, I will make the tough call to part ways.

2. Trust your instincts. In business, it can be very important to trust your instincts. Faulty data, miscommunications, even people with interests that aren’t aligned with your own can get in the way of making the best decisions. It can also waste a lot of time to be constantly second-guessing things.

3. Know what you want and be super persistent about getting it. Persistence pays, and nobody knows that better than a dog. I’ve often been told that I am also very persistent when it comes to work. Indeed, I had to be when it came to finding the funding that launched my company. But many of my successful colleagues share the same trait. It’s very, very important in business to not give up. Legend has it that Walt Disney was turned down by 302 banks before he got the funding he needed to open Disneyland.

4. If you’re going to do it, do it 110%. Once you’ve decided to do something (after assessing the potential risks and benefits), why not reach for the stars with it? I’ve found that in business, if you strive to hit a place one or two steps beyond the foreseeable goal, the realm of possibilities expands. It’s how I plan things and I like to encourage my employees do the same: push past boundaries and pursue opportunities that they might have initially thought impossible or too big.

5. Unplug. Go outside and play. I answer hundreds of emails a day, but I’m also just as active in things like yoga, cycling and rock climbing. I love the outdoors. I make an effort to ensure that I’m not stuck in an office staring at a screen for hours (or days) on end. With technology penetrating our lives and jobs more than ever, it’s easy to be online and working 24-7. But it’s very important to regularly de-stress and refresh your mind and body. In fact, there’s a lot of research that suggests exercise can even improve productivity.

Ryan Holmes CEO at HootSuite 1. Be loyal. In business, loyalty can be a huge asset. I’ve learned that surrounding yourself with a loyal team is one of the key factors to success. BUT, this should all be taken with a grain… Continue Reading →


有報告指,去年海洋公園的入場人次攀升至490萬,那邊廂迪士尼卻下跌至415萬人次。翻開報章,見迪士尼準備推出遊樂設施「小小世界」挽回人氣。記者訪問試玩的小朋友,她說:「廣播太多覺得有點煩,連音樂也停下來,但都明白是為了安全。」 思哲看過一本書,講述當年環球片場主題公園如何戰勝迪士尼,情況有點像今日香港。話說60年代初,環球片場擴展主題公園業務,負責人Jay Stein分析迪士尼的管理模式:各式各樣的設施,時刻安全至上,不容半分的危險。那些迪士尼人物老是彬彬有禮,即使是加勒比海盜性情亦很溫柔,不會惡形惡相,不會色迷迷地盯著女孩子,反而會友善地跟你聊天。說實在些,迪士尼是刻意塑造安全親切的形象和感覺。 得出結論,Stein決定另走偏鋒,他的主題公園標榜走入的經典電影場面,以刺激、血腥及驚險的形象示人,跟迪士尼剛好相反。舉個例,訪客既會途經大白鯊的血盤大口,又會遇上危險的爆炸和火球,迪士尼礙於安全親切的形象,沒法推出類似的東西搶客。簡言之,環球巧妙的產品定位,將迪士尼的強項即時就變成制肘,另闢蹊徑,結果大受歡迎,往後還在世界各地陸續開了六、七主題公園。 話說回來,我們的海洋公園,何嘗又不是巧妙地定位在迪士尼最不得要領之處,那就是真實的動物。昔日海洋公園定位比較模糊,自從迪士尼從天而降,海洋公園改變策略,定位為動物教育的主題公園。迪士尼礙於奇妙夢幻的形象,容不下活生生的動物,結果夢幻之旅居然也給動物之旅比下去了。 其實海洋公園還有一個相對的優勢,或許少了一重奏請總公司的功夫,感覺上動作較快。再者,迪士尼面積細小的先天問題,現在立法會還在爭論港府應否注資。奈何大陸遊客回老家卻不忘說一句:「港產迪士尼小得真奇妙!」奈何,迪士尼的擴建工程分頭進行,不少遊客寧願留待全部完成再去。至於快將推出的小小世界真能扭轉「樂園真細小」的形象嗎? 《2008年4月24日刊於蘋果日報》 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q398LFz3op4]

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