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Microsoft’s Minecraft Goes Web3 With ‘NFT Worlds’ on Polygon

The sandbox-style video game Minecraft, released back in 2011, is getting a Web3 update thanks to a few developers unaffiliated with Microsoft. In-game $WRLD purchasing, transactions & the P2E $WRLD layer will be rolling out soon. Read more: https://decrypt.co/93783/microsoft-minecraft-web3-nft-worlds-ethereum-polygon

Web3 Threatens to Segregate Our Online Lives

In February, shit hit the fan in the usual way: An old tweet resurfaced. Brantly Millegan, director of operations at Ethereum Name Service (ENS), a web3 business, had written the following in May 2016: “Homosexual acts are evil. Transgenderism doesn’t… Continue Reading →

Crypto exchanges consider Ukraine’s call to freeze Russians’ Bitcoin

As some platforms freeze accounts linked to Russia and Belarus, Binance said it will not block innocent Russians’ crypto assets. Learn more: https://bit.ly/3hzfr0m

Experts reject concerns Russia will use crypto to bypass sanctions: ‘Totally unfounded’

Blockchain Association’s Jake Chervinsky believes politicians should not be worried that Russia may use crypto to get around economic sanctions because it is not feasible at the scale required. Learn more: https://bit.ly/3IFmTmq

本港金融科技初創企業再添生力軍 前沿有理獲證監會批准管理100%虛擬資產基

 面對日益激烈的金融創新競爭,香港這個與紐約、倫敦齊名的國際金融中心全面加快發展步伐。最近,香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會(即香港證監會)批准香港前沿有理資本管理公司,管理100%虛擬資產基金。這意味着「前 Read more: https://bit.ly/36VYE5D


加密貨幣本質上被設計為無國界資產,而且大部分仍不受政府監管。(路透資料圖片) Learn more: https://bit.ly/3IAq0fw

烏克蘭央行限制當地電子錢包服務 加密貨幣成新選項

戰爭對於金融體系往往有很大影響,最近烏克蘭方面就因為宣佈戒嚴措施,限制當地的電子錢包服務,而當地居民就因此轉而使用加密貨幣進行交易。 Learn more: https://bit.ly/3vHrCRd


藝術從來就沒辦法自外於政治,如果你說政治歸政治,藝術歸藝術,那可能是對現實世界有所誤解。 Learn more: https://bit.ly/3MaPL8a

火幣科技託管平台 管理40億美元虛擬資產

【明報專訊】投資市場對虛擬資產的投資需求日增,亦推動虛擬資產信託市場的發展。火幣科技(1611)香港信託業務主管劉曉婷接受本報訪問時表示,集團在取得香港信託或公司服務提供者(TCSP)牌照,自去年5月開業,到去年 Read more: https://bit.ly/3poI98y

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