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Decentralization, DAOs and the current Web3 concerns

Decentralized autonomous organizations are a central function of interaction across the Web3 space, where creators are earning more than ever before. Learn more: https://cointelegraph.com/news/decentralization-daos-and-the-current-web3-concerns

民主的試煉:Juno 議案 16 的當頭棒喝

「Not your key, not your coin」是區塊鏈圈的常識,除了道出託管在別人手中的資產並不真正屬於自己,背後還有一重意義:自持私鑰管理的資產才算是真正擁有。 Learn more: https://ckxpress.com/on-juno-proposal-16/

Web 3 Needs Africa, Not the Other Way Around

The continent has shown a willingness to embrace new financial services technologies, and crypto addresses a pressing need in every country. Read more: https://www.coindesk.com/layer2/2022/03/25/web-3-needs-africa-not-the-other-way-around/


世界各國對於加密貨幣和虛擬資產的管制近年逐漸變得明確,而泰國當局最近宣佈,禁止國民使用虛擬資產作交易工具,不過就可以繼續持有和作為資產買賣。 Read more: https://unwire.pro/2022/03/25/thailand-bans-use-of-crypto-for-payments/blockchain/crytocurrency/

Universal Music Group’s Web3 Label Buys Bored Ape for $360K in Ethereum – Bitcoin News

On Friday, Universal Music Group’s Web3 label dubbed 10:22PM revealed it purchased the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) non-fungible token (NFT) #5537 for more than $360,000. 10:22PM says that BAYC #5537 will become the female manager for the first-ever metaverse… Continue Reading →


加密貨幣相關服務日漸蓬勃,而對其宣傳等行為的監管也變得嚴格。最近英國監管機構就向 50 多間加密貨幣公司發出通知,警告他們不要誤導消費者。 Read more: https://unwire.pro/2022/03/23/uk-watchdog-puts-50-crypto-companies-on-notice-over-misleading-ads/blockchain/crytocurrency/

From Game-based to Burn to Earn (B2E) and Move to Earn (M2E) fitness solutions

Interestingly, the COVID-19 crisis raised consumer awareness of the importance of health and wellness. According to a study by McKinsey, 68 percent of survey respondents reported placing more importance on their health following the outbreak of the pandemic. Read more:… Continue Reading →


原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 模擬經營類型遊戲PONY CLUB昨宣布,推出為區塊鏈遊戲(GameFi,簡稱鏈遊)而設的賽馬主題非同質化代幣(NFT)系列。項目計劃推出8888個NFT,用戶購入後,可於日後推出的鏈遊內培育 Read more: http://startupbeat.hkej.com/?p=116476

林以諾建元宇宙教會 VR虛擬科技傳福音

熱捲全球的元宇宙(Metaverse),在多個領域均具發展潛力。有見疫情下,教會無法做到社交聚會,一班本地基督徒早前成立首間廣東話元宇宙教會MeChurch,期望透過增強現實(AR)、虛擬實境(VR)等最新科技,在虛擬空間繼續傳 Learn more: http://startupbeat.hkej.com/?p=116482

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