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【加密貨幣】歐盟投票修改「資金轉移條例」 加密貨幣業界憂扼殺創新侵犯私隱

過去一周,比特幣多次嘗試挑戰48,000美元,價格開始下跌並跌破45,000美元。比特幣於周一報45,923美元,一周下跌3.6%。以太幣企穩3,000美元以上,一周上升3.3%,周一報3,488美元。 Read more: https://wealth.hket.com/article/3221490

UX issues in web3 go beyond design, here is why.

Hey everyone, I’m Salil Naik, a frontend engineer and a UI/UX designer. I got into the blockchain space mainly to contribute towards solving the user experience issues in web 3.0. When I started writing this blog, I wanted to focus… Continue Reading →

Web3 promises to put the internet into the hands of the people. Don’t believe the hype

Scott Galloway is a marketing professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, and a writer and podcast host. His new streaming show No Mercy, No Malice is now airing on CNN+. The opinions expressed in this commentary are… Continue Reading →


印尼稅務官員表示,印尼計劃從5月1日起對加密資產交易徵收增值稅(VAT),對此類投資的資本利得徵收各0.1%的所得稅。 Read more: http://startupbeat.hkej.com/?p=116984

Opera’s Crypto Browser to Support Solana, Polygon, StarkEx in Web 3 Push

Eight more blockchain networks are coming to the Norwegian browser company’s native wallet. Read more: https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/03/30/operas-crypto-browser-to-support-solana-polygon-starkex-in-web-3-push/

Polygon Announces Zero-Knowledge Identity Platform for Web3 – Bitcoin News

On March 29, Polygon, the layer two (L2) scaling solution that runs parallel with the Ethereum blockchain, has announced a new identity platform called Polygon ID. Learn more: https://news.bitcoin.com/polygon-announces-zero-knowledge-identity-platform-for-web3/

He became as rich as Mark Zuckerberg virtually overnight. How Binance founder ‘C.Z.’ Zhao became a $74 billion man while moving fast and breaking things in crypto

Binance handled $34.1 trillion in trading last year, even while wrangling with regulators. Read more: https://fortune.com/longform/binance-changpeng-cz-zhao-net-worth-crypto-exchange-trading/

Meta wants to bring web3, metaverse virtually into all its future products

Meta, formerly Facebook, may have shut down its cryptocurrency aspirations, but the company is serious about moving all of its platform to the web3 world. Read more: https://www.businessinsider.in/cryptocurrency/news/meta-wants-to-bring-web3-metaverse-virtually-into-all-its-future-products/articleshow/90438072.cms

Will Web3 Ever Go Mainstream?

Blockchain entrepreneur Dan Hughes says it could take a decade thanks to a number of technical challenges. The concept of Web3 has captivated investors and the tech industry for more than a year now. Learn more: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-03-26/web3-will-take-several-years-to-go-mainstream

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