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Coliving Trends for the Remote Work Lifestyle

Miklos Philips Follow Sep 3 · 9 min read Read more: https://bit.ly/3s6FCyt


Dropbox進行公司內部意見調查,近九成受訪員工認為在家中,能夠提高工作效率。(Freepik網上圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/2H2OPq5

遙距辦公成疫後新常態 共享工作間勢各區開花

原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 一場世紀疫症顛覆各行各業,本地企業響應港府呼籲,紛紛安排員工居家辦公(WFH),遙距協作將成為職場新常態。此外,有部分美企考慮撤出香港,傳統辦公室人去樓空,近年熱 Read more: https://bit.ly/2EkbZ9J

Co-living in Asia-Pacific: Worthy of the Hype?

In the sharing economy, the idea of paying guests sharing living space with “roommates” has received a Millennial makeover. It is now called ‘co-living’, and it involves a lot more than split bills. Read more: https://bit.ly/3fHT1q8

Quarry Bay’s Banyan Workspace sets the bar for conscious living and working

Characterised by its serene, cosy vibe and sunlit interiors, Banyan Workspace is a luxury co-working space adding a new dimension of conscious comfort in the hectic work environment in Hong Kong. Read more: http://bit.ly/2SP4kVr

Fear of protests disrupting operations forces companies in Admiralty to look for co-working space

Inquiries from companies based in Admiralty for co-working space have risen amid uncertainty over the protests. Read more: http://bit.ly/32hObdM

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