新型冠狀病毒 (SARS-CoV-2) 在飛沫(氣溶膠狀態)中可存活超過 3 小時。在塑膠和不鏽鋼表面,則可存活數天之久。1 Read more: https://bit.ly/3dCdBsj
LAS VEGAS (FOX5)– A Las Vegas farm relied on strip casinos as its main food source for 4,000 pigs. Now it’s getting creative to keep them full. “Pigs are a lot like us so they love sweets, candies, ice cream,”… Continue Reading →
But it is thought many more people could have the virus but have not had the opportunity to have a swab test taken. The NHS is advising people not to visit a GP, hospital or pharmacy, but to self-isolate at… Continue Reading →
本港武漢肺炎疫情蔓延未止,日前衞生署首次公布接受家居檢疫人士的居住大廈名單,從名單可見需留家接受檢疫人士的人士已遍佈14區。究竟何謂衞生署14天家居檢疫措施?甚麼人需要接受14天家居檢疫措施?而衞生署又如何確 Read more: http://bit.ly/2U6Put0
Plans are under way to ban mass gatherings in the UK from next week just days after the government faced criticism for not taking tougher action against the Covid-19 pandemic, despite other European countries introducing strict social distancing measures. Read… Continue Reading →
It is often difficult to tell the quality of a decision from the outcome, sometimes a well-thought-out decision may fail, and poor decisions may prevail. Read more: http://bit.ly/2TyQCGP
Amid sudden outbreak of coronavirus in the United States, tech giant Google said it’s rolling out free access to its advanced Hangouts Meet video-conferencing capabilities to help businesses and educators in response to Coronavirus. Read more: http://bit.ly/2Iwm9mo
A Boston-based startup has been tapped to help doctors and researchers in Hong Kong combat the growing coronavirus outbreak. Biofourmis is using its wearable and artificial intelligence technology to aid with disease surveillance and to help researchers better understand the… Continue Reading →
The Chinese government has been removing criticism of its coronavirus response from apps like Weibo, the local equivalent of Twitter. But before it can, that content is being saved, decentralized, and highlighted thanks to Arweave’s Permaweb. Today it’s announcing another… Continue Reading →
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