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原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 楊聖武(左四)指出,檢測結果不會與其他合作夥伴共享;左一為彭子楓。(Prenetics圖片) 新冠肺炎疫情持續,無病徵的隱形患者令人防不勝防。本港基因測試初創Prenetics昨宣布,與保 Read more: https://bit.ly/2VmG6Ds


新冠疫情重塑了经济活动、消费者行为以及科学技术的重要性。拥有强大的互联网线上线下融合能力的企业在疫情中的表现最好。互联网女皇玛丽·米克(Mary Meeker)4月17日发布了其著名的年度互联网趋势报告,在详细分析了新 Read more: https://bit.ly/2zegr7h

Coronavirus Clarity

Apple and Google, who last Friday jointly | announced new capabilities for contact tracing coronavirus carriers at scale, released a new statement yesterday clarifying that no government would tell them what to do. Or, to put it in the gentler… Continue Reading →

Our New Historical Divide: B.C. and A.C. — the World Before Corona and the World After

Here are some trends to watch. Before the coronavirus crisis hit, I was toying with writing a book about 21st-century political parties, but in light of this global epidemic it’s obvious that whatever nonfiction book you’re working on now, put… Continue Reading →

Don’t bail out the startups, says LocalGlobe’s Robin Klein

Startup funding during the crisis: What’s really going on? Funding rounds plummeted by 22% in March, valuations are dropping and founders are worried they won’t be able to raise their next round. Read more: https://bit.ly/3aYnqiD

Silicon Valley Bank Struggles as Startups Rush for Government Loans

Already a subscriber? Log in here Read more: https://bit.ly/2JRYNIi


最近本地網上售票平台舉辦棟篤笑網上重溫活動成為熱話,其涉獵的範疇已經不再只是售票服務。對於他們的售票平台運作和發展,相信不少朋友都感到興趣,unwire.pro 今次就邀請到創辦人分享其經驗。 Read more: https://bit.ly/2RccUMF

Carousell for Business empowers Hong Kong merchants to increase online sales

Hong Kong, 2 April 2020 – Carousell, one of the world’s largest and fastest growing classifieds marketplaces, today announced the launch of Carousell for Business (CarouBiz) in Hong Kong. Read more: https://bit.ly/2wbbTNE

TNB Aura to invest $2m in each startup hit by Covid-19 crisis

TNB Aura, a Singapore-based venture capital firm focused on Southeast Asian investments, launched a new fund to invest US$2 million in each startup affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Read more: https://bit.ly/2V0Xufv

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