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Tag coronavirus

Has The Pandemic Launched Us Into The Age Of The Metaverse

Several recent events seem to foreshadow the metaverse as the place where we’ll be spending a lot of time in the not-too-distant future. Read more: https://bit.ly/2MgtRTu

How have you pivoted in this pandemic?

By now, I hope you have accepted Covid-19 and the stress that it brings along as the new normal. It’s counterproductive to think otherwise and dwell on old times, user behavior, and habits. The world has changed (and so should… Continue Reading →

Apple, Google release their coronavirus exposure notification tech

Apple and Google said on Wednesday that they have finished the initial version of their exposure notification technology and are making it available to health authorities to build their apps. Android and iOS are both getting updates today to enable… Continue Reading →

Many tech workers won’t be going back to the office

Tech companies are gaming out how to bring employees back to the office, but many are expecting a new normal in which a significant portion of their workers stay home for good. Why it matters: Some tech firms may find they… Continue Reading →

The Remote Work Shift and Debate

The conversation around remote working continues to get more interesting. The topic of remote work is now coming from all aspects of the tech industry, and the news from Twitter that all their employees have the option to work remotely… Continue Reading →

The coronavirus downturn might yield a new startup wave

The American economy is in a dark period right now, but some in Silicon Valley are optimistic it could spawn a generation of startups whose founders are finally getting the nudge they needed to make the leap. Read more: https://bit.ly/3dWGX41

港初創研試劑盒 助揪出隱形患者

原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 招彥燾表示,相達生物科技大約花了三周研發RNA提取試劑盒。(黃俊耀攝) 新型冠狀病毒肺炎肆虐全球,各地科學家均全力研發新技術遏止疫情擴散。主打液態活檢(Liquid Biopsy) Read more: https://bit.ly/3cz8tDR


「星之子」陳易希設立的初創公司Bull. Read more: https://bit.ly/3altS22

FindDoc夥GOGOVAN 問診取樣檢測肺疫

原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 數碼港社群初創FindDoc聯同GOGOVAN,為私家診所和市民推出視像問診及檢測容器上門速遞服務。私家醫生透過FindDoc視像問診服務,對用戶進行初步新冠肺炎篩查,轉介高風險人士做檢 Read more: https://bit.ly/2VEr6j8

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